- We will not turn aside from thy commands: ’twould be ingratitude to forget thy kindness”;
- رو نگردانیم از فرمان تو ** کفر باشد غفلت از احسان تو
- But, because of their reliance upon themselves, ’twas far from them to pronounce the saving clause and glorify God. 3665
- لیک استثنا و تسبیح خدا ** ز اعتماد خود بد از ایشان جدا
- Mention of the saving clause and (of the need for) manifold precaution was made at the beginning of the Mathnawí.
- ذکر استثنا و حزم ملتوی ** گفته شد در ابتدای مثنوی
- If there are a hundred (religious) books, (yet) they are but one chapter: a hundred (different) regions seek but one place of worship.
- صد کتاب ار هست جز یک باب نیست ** صد جهت را قصد جز محراب نیست
- (All) these roads end in one House: (all) these thousand ears of corn are from one Seed.
- این طرق را مخلصی یک خانه است ** این هزاران سنبل از یک دانه است
- All the hundred thousand sorts of food and drink are (only) one thing in respect (of their final cause).
- گونهگونه خوردنیها صد هزار ** جمله یک چیزست اندر اعتبار
- When you are entirely satiated with one (kind of food), fifty (other) foods become cold (displeasing) to your heart. 3670
- از یکی چون سیر گشتی تو تمام ** سرد شد اندر دلت پنجه طعام
- In hunger, then, you are seeing double, for you have regarded a single one as a hundred thousand.
- در مجاعت پس تو احول دیدهای ** که یکی را صد هزاران دیدهای
- We had (previously) told of the sickness of the handmaiden and (the story) of the physicians and also their lack of understanding—
- گفته بودیم از سقام آن کنیز ** وز طبیبان و قصور فهم نیز
- How those physicians were like an unbridled horse, heedless of the rider and having no profit (of him).
- کان طبیبان همچو اسپ بیعذار ** غافل و بیبهره بودند از سوار