- Abandon the cups, namely, the (phenomenal) forms: do not tarry! There is wine in the cup, but it is not (derived) from the cup.
- از قدحهای صور بگذر مهایست ** باده در جامست لیک از جام نیست
- Open thy mouth wide to the Giver of the wine: when the wine comes, the cup will not be lacking.
- سوی بادهبخش بگشا پهن فم ** چون رسد باده نیاید جام کم
- (God said), “O Adam, seek My heart-enthralling Reality: take leave of the husk and (outward) form of the (forbidden) wheat.” 3710
- آدما معنی دلبندم بجوی ** ترک قشر و صورت گندم بگوی
- Since sand was turned into flour for the Friend (Abraham), know that the wheat is deposed from its office, O noble one.
- چونک ریگی آرد شد بهر خلیل ** دانک معزولست گندم ای نبیل
- Form is brought into existence by the Formless, just as smoke is produced by a fire.
- صورت از بیصورت آید در وجود ** همچنانک از آتشی زادست دود
- The least blemish in the qualities of that which is endowed with form becomes annoying when you regard it continually;
- کمترین عیب مصور در خصال ** چون پیاپی بینیش آید ملال
- (But) Formlessness throws you into absolute bewilderment: from non-instrumentality a hundred kinds of instruments are born.
- حیرت محض آردت بیصورتی ** زاده صد گون آلت از بیآلتی
- Handlessness is weaving (fashioning) hands: the Soul of the soul makes a (fully) formed Man. 3715
- بی ز دستی دستها بافد همی ** جان جان سازد مصور آدمی
- ’Tis like as (when) from separation and union diverse fancies are woven (conceived) in the heart.
- آنچنان که اندر دل از هجر و وصال ** میشود بافیده گوناگون خیال
- Does this cause ever resemble its effect? Does the cry (of pain) and lamentation ever resemble the loss (that caused it)?
- هیچ ماند این مثر با اثر ** هیچ ماند بانگ و نوحه با ضرر