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  • The forms (ideas) that arise at a banquet from the festive cup have as their result unconsciousness and senselessness.
  • The forms (ideas) of man and woman and (amorous) sport and sexual intercourse—hinc nascitur perturbatio animi in coitu. [The forms (ideas) of man and woman and (amorous) sport and sexual intercourse—their result at the time of sexual union (is mental) distraction.]
  • The (material) form of bread and salt, which is a benefit (conferred by God), has as its result (bodily) strength, which is formless.
  • On the battle-field the (material) form of sword and shield has as its result a formless thing, i.e. victory. 3735
  • (Attendance at) college and learning and the (various) forms thereof are (all) done with, as soon as they have reached (their goal, namely) knowledge.
  • Since these forms are the slaves of the Formless, why, then, are they denying their Benefactor?
  • These forms have their existence from the Formless: what means, then, their denial of Him who brought them into existence?
  • His (the sceptic's) disbelief is really manifested by Him: in truth this act of his is naught but a reflexion.
  • Know that the form of the walls and roof of every dwelling-place is a shadow (reflexion) of the thought of the architect, 3740
  • Even though in the seat of his thought there is no visible (material) stone and wood and brick.