Or flee from Him, if you can, and go (your way); (but) how can you go, since you are a pawn in His hand?375
یا گریز از وی اگر توانی برو ** چون روی چون در کف اویی گرو
(When) you were in non-existence, you did not escape from His hand: how will you escape from His hand (now), O helpless one?
در عدم بودی نرستی از کفش ** از کف او چون رهی ای دستخوش
To seek (one's own) desire is to flee (from God) and shed the blood of piety in the presence of His justice.
آرزو جستن بود بگریختن ** پیش عدلش خون تقوی ریختن
This world is a trap, and desire is its bait: flee from the traps, quickly turn your face (towards God).
این جهان دامست و دانهآرزو ** در گریز از دامها روی آر زو
When you have gone this way, you have enjoyed a hundred (spiritual) blessings; when you have gone the opposite way, you have fared ill.
چون چنین رفتی بدیدی صد گشاد ** چون شدی در ضد آن دیدی فساد
Therefore the Prophet said, “Consult your hearts, though the mufti outside gives you advice in (worldly) affairs.”380
پس پیمبر گفت استفتوا القلوب ** گر چه مفتیتان برون گوید خطوب
Abandon desire, in order that He may have mercy (on you): you have found by experience that such (renunciation) is required by Him.
آرزو بگذار تا رحم آیدش ** آزمودی که چنین میبایدش
Since you cannot escape, do service to Him, that you may go from His prison into His rose-garden.
چون نتانی جست پس خدمت کنش ** تا روی از حبس او در گلشنش
When you keep watch (over your thoughts and actions) continually, you are always seeing the (Divine) justice and the (Divine) Judge, O misguided man;
دم به دم چون تو مراقب میشوی ** داد میبینی و داور ای غوی
And if you shut your eyes because you have veiled yourself (in heedlessness), (yet) how should the sun relinquish its work?
ور ببندی چشم خود را ز احتجاب ** کار خود را کی گذارد آفتاب
How the King (Mahmúd) revealed to the Amírs and those who were intriguing against Ayáz the reason of his superiority to them in rank and favour and salary, (explaining it) in such a manner that no argument or objection was left for them (to bring forward).
وا نمودن پادشاه به امرا و متعصبان در راه ایاز سبب فضیلت و مرتبت و قربت و جامگی او بریشان بر وجهی کی ایشان را حجت و اعتراض نماند