- The (travelling) party had seen (pictures) more beautiful than that, but at (the sight of) this one they were plunged in the deep sea,
- خوبتر زان دیده بودند آن فریق ** لیک زین رفتند در بحر عمیق
- Because opium came to them in this cup: the cups are visible, but the opium is unseen.
- زانک افیونشان درین کاسه رسید ** کاسهها محسوس و افیون ناپدید
- The fortress, (named) the destroyer of reason, wrought its work: it cast them, all three, into the pit of tribulation.
- کرد فعل خویش قلعهی هشربا ** هر سه را انداخت در چاه بلا
- Without a bow the arrow-like glances (of Love) pierce the heart—mercy, mercy, O merciless one!
- تیر غمزه دوخت دل را بیکمان ** الامان و الامان ای بیامان
- (Adoration of) a stone image consumed the (past) generations and kindled a fire (of love for it) in their religion and their hearts. 3765
- قرنها را صورت سنگین بسوخت ** آتشی در دین و دلشان بر فروخت
- When it (the image) is spiritual, how (ravishing) must it be! Its fascination changes at every moment.
- چونک روحانی بود خود چون بود ** فتنهاش هر لحظه دیگرگون بود
- Since love of the pictured form was stabbing the hearts of the princes like a spear-point,
- عشق صورت در دل شهزادگان ** چون خلش میکرد مانند سنان
- Each (of them) was shedding tears, like a cloud, and gnawing his hands and crying, “Oh, alas!
- اشک میبارید هر یک همچو میغ ** دست میخایید و میگفت ای دریغ
- Now we see (what) the King saw at the beginning. How often did that peerless one adjure us!”
- ما کنون دیدیم شه ز آغاز دید ** چندمان سوگند داد آن بیندید
- The prophets have conferred a great obligation (on us) because they have made us aware of the end, 3770
- انبیا را حق بسیارست از آن ** که خبر کردند از پایانمان