- And if a fire should dart its flames at the kernel, know that ’tis in order to cook it, not to burn it.
- ور بود بر مغز ناری شعلهزن ** بهر پختن دان نه بهر سوختن
- So long as God is the Wise, know that this law is perpetual (both) in the past and in the time that has not (yet) come. 3930
- تا که باشد حق حکیم این قاعده ** مستمر دان در گذشته و نامده
- The pure kernels and (also) the husks are pardoned by Him: how, then, should He burn the kernel? Far (be it) from Him!
- مغز نغز و قشرها مغفور ازو ** مغز را پس چون بسوزد دور ازو
- If in His grace He beat the head of him (who resembles the husk), he (such an one) will feel an eager desire for the red wine;
- از عنایت گر بکوبد بر سرش ** اشتها آید شراب احمرش
- And if He do not beat him, he will remain, like the jurist, with his mouth closed against the potations and festivity of these (spiritual) kings.
- ور نکوبد ماند او بستهدهان ** چون فقیه از شرب و بزم این شهان
- The king said to his cup-bearer, “O well-conducted (youth), why art thou silent? Give (it him) and put him in good humour.”
- گفت شه با ساقیش ای نیکپی ** چه خموشی ده به طبعش آر هی
- Over every mind there is a hidden Ruler, (who) cunningly diverts from his purpose whomsoever He will. 3935
- هست پنهان حاکمی بر هر خرد ** هرکه را خواهد به فن از سر برد
- The sun in the East and his radiance are bound like captives in His chain.
- آفتاب مشرق و تنویر او ** چون اسیران بسته در زنجیر او
- He causes the (celestial) sphere to revolve immediately when He chants half of a cunning spell in its brain.
- چرخ را چرخ اندر آرد در زمن ** چون بخواند در دماغش نیم فن
- The mind which dominates another mind has (obtains) the dice (of victory) from Him: He is the Master-player.
- عقل کو عقل دگر را سخره کرد ** مهره زو دارد ویست استاد نرد