- He came back and said, “It is of every sort; the greater part consists of cups made in Rayy.”
- باز آمد گفت از هر جنس هست ** اغلب آن کاسههای رازیست
- He (the King) asked, “When did they set out from the city of Rayy?” The dull-witted Amír remained (silent) in perplexity. 395
- گفت کی بیرون شدند از شهر ری ** ماند حیران آن امیر سست پی
- So (it went on) till thirty Amírs and more (had been tested): (all were) feeble in judgement and deficient in (mental) power.
- همچنین تا سی امیر و بیشتر ** سسترای و ناقص اندر کر و فر
- (Then) he said to the Amírs, “One day I put my Ayáz to the test separately,
- گفت امیران را که من روزی جدا ** امتحان کردم ایاز خویش را
- Saying, ‘Inquire of the caravan (and find out) whence it comes.’ He went and asked all these questions (just) right.
- که بپرس از کاروان تا از کجاست ** او برفت این جمله وا پرسید راست
- Without instructions, without a hint (from me), he apprehended everything concerning them, point by point, without any uncertainty or doubt.”
- بیوصیت بیاشارت یک به یک ** حالشان دریافت بی ریبی و شک
- Everything that was discovered by these thirty Amírs in thirty stages was completed by him (Ayáz) in one moment. 400
- هر چه زین سی میر اندر سی مقام ** کشف شد زو آن به یکدم شد تمام
- How the Amírs endeavoured to rebut that argument by the Necessitarian error and how the King answered them.
- مدافعهی امرا آن حجت را به شبههی جبریانه و جواب دادن شاه ایشان را
- Then the Amírs said, “This is a branch (species) of His (God's) providential favours: it has nothing to do with (personal) effort.
- پس بگفتند آن امیران کین فنیست ** از عنایتهاش کار جهد نیست
- The fair face of the moon is bestowed on it by God, the sweet scent of the rose is the gift of Fortune.”
- قسمت حقست مه را روی نغز ** دادهی بختست گل را بوی نغز
- “Nay,” said the Sultan, “that which proceeds from one's self is the product of (one's own) remissness and the income derived from (one's own) labour.
- گفت سلطان بلک آنچ از نفس زاد ** ریع تقصیرست و دخل اجتهاد