- Zalíkhá had applied to Joseph the name of everything, from rue-seed to aloeswood.
- آن زلیخا از سپندان تا به عود ** نام جمله چیز یوسف کرده بود
- She concealed his name in (all other) names and made the inner meaning thereof known to (none but her) confidants.
- نام او در نامها مکتوم کرد ** محرمان را سر آن معلوم کرد
- When she said, “The wax is softened by the fire,” this meant, “My beloved is very fond of me.”
- چون بگفتی موم ز آتش نرم شد ** این بدی کان یار با ما گرم شد
- And if she said, “Look, the moon is risen”; or if she said, “The willow-bough is green (with new leaves)”;
- ور بگفتی مه برآمد بنگرید ** ور بگفتی سبز شد آن شاخ بید
- Or if she said, “The leaves are quivering mightily”; or if she said, “The rue-seed is burning merrily”; 4025
- ور بگفتی برگها خوش میطپند ** ور بگفتی خوش همیسوزد سپند
- Or if she said, “The rose has told her secret to the nightingale”; or if she said, “The king has disclosed his passion for Shahnáz”;
- ور بگفتی گل به بلبل راز گفت ** ور بگفتی شه سر شهناز گفت
- Or if she said, “How auspicious is Fortune!” or if she said, “Give the furniture a good dusting”;
- ور بگفتی چه همایونست بخت ** ور بگفتی که بر افشانید رخت
- Or if she said, “The water-carrier has brought the water”; or if she said, “The sun is risen”;
- ور بگفتی که سقا آورد آب ** ور بگفتی که بر آمد آفتاب
- Or if she said, “Last night they cooked a potful of food” or “The vegetables are cooked to perfection”;
- ور بگفتی دوش دیگی پختهاند ** یا حوایج از پزش یک لختهاند
- Or if she said, “The loaves have no salt (savour)”; or if she said, “The heavenly sphere is going round in the contrary direction”; 4030
- ور بگفتی هست نانها بینمک ** ور بگفتی عکس میگردد فلک