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  • (If) you go into a mine without (having) capability, you will not gain possession of a single grain (of gold), 4425
  • بی ز استعداد در کانی روی  ** بر یکی حبه نگردی محتوی 
  • Tanquam vir veneri inhabilis qui virginem emit: ea, etsi pectus argenteum (candidum) sit, frui quo pacto poterit? [Like an impotent man who buys a virgin (for a slave): even if she is a silver-breasted (beauty), how can he enjoy (her sexually)?]
  • هم‌چو عنینی که بکری را خرد  ** گرچه سیمین‌بر بود کی بر خورد 
  • (The incapable man is) like a lamp without oil or wick that gets neither much nor little from the (flaming) taper.
  • چون چراغی بی ز زیت و بی فتیل  ** نه کثیرستش ز شمع و نه قلیل 
  • (If) one who cannot smell enter a garden, how should his brain (nose) be delighted by the fragrant herbs?—
  • در گلستان اندر آید اخشمی  ** کی شود مغزش ز ریحان خرمی 
  • Tanquam formosa et venusta hospita viri debilis; (and) like the sound of a harp or lute in the ears of the deaf; [Like a beautiful (and) charming woman (who is) the guest of a feeble (impotent) man; (and like) the sound of a harp or lute in the ears of the deaf;]
  • هم‌چو خوبی دلبری مهمان غر  ** بانگ چنگ و بربطی در پیش کر 
  • (And) like the land-bird that falls into great waters: what should it find there but death and perdition? 4430
  • هم‌چو مرغ خاک که آید در بحار  ** زان چه یابد جز هلاک و جز خسار 
  • (And) like one who, having no wheat, goes to a mill: nothing will be given to him except the whitening of his beard and hair (with flour).
  • هم‌چو بی‌گندم شده در آسیا  ** جز سپیدی ریش و مو نبود عطا 
  • The celestial mill bestows on those who have no wheat (only) whiteness of hair and weakness in the loins;
  • آسیای چرخ بر بی‌گندمان  ** موسپیدی بخشد و ضعف میان 
  • But on those who bring wheat with them this mill bestows empire and gives them sovereign power.
  • لیک با باگندمان این آسیا  ** ملک‌بخش آمد دهد کار و کیا 
  • You must first be qualified for Paradise in order that from Paradise the (everlasting) life may be born to you.
  • اول استعداد جنت بایدت  ** تا ز جنت زندگانی زایدت