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  • Like the Men of the Cave (the Seven Sleepers), pass quickly, O Khwája, into (the state of those who are) awake, though thou wouldst deem them asleep.
  • هم‌چو آن اصحاب کهف ای خواجه زود  ** رو به ایقاظا که تحسبهم رقود 
  • “O adorable one,” said the cadi, “what can be contrived?” She answered, “This (thy) handmaid's house is quite empty. 4465
  • گفت قاضی ای صنم معمول چیست  ** گفت خانه‌ی این کنیزک بس تهیست 
  • The enemy has gone into the country, and the caretaker is not there either: it is a very good place for meeting in private.
  • خصم در ده رفت و حارس نیز نیست  ** بهر خلوت سخت نیکو مسکنیست 
  • Come there to-night if possible: what one does by night is (done) without (the intention of) making (people) hear of it or see it;
  • امشب ار امکان بود آنجا بیا  ** کار شب بی سمعه است و بی‌ریا 
  • (At that time) all the spies are intoxicated with the wine of sleep: all have been beheaded (and left as though lifeless) by the negro, Night.”
  • جمله جاسوسان ز خمر خواب مست  ** زنگی شب جمله را گردن زدست 
  • The sugar-lipped (damsel) chanted wondrous spells over the cadi—and then with what (bewitching) lips!
  • خواند بر قاضی فسون‌های عجب  ** آن شکرلب وانگهانی از چه لب 
  • How often did Iblís palaver with Adam!—but when Eve told him to eat, then (and not till then) did he eat. 4470
  • چند با آدم بلیس افسانه کرد  ** چون حوا گفتش بخور آنگاه خورد 
  • The first blood (shed) in this world of iniquity and justice was shed by Qábíl (Cain) for the sake of a woman.
  • اولین خون در جهان ظلم و داد  ** از کف قابیل بهر زن فتاد 
  • Whenever Noah was frying meat in the frying-pan, Wáhila (his wife) would throw stones at the frying-pan,
  • نوح چون بر تابه بریان ساختی  ** واهله بر تابه سنگ انداختی 
  • And his wife's plotting would defeat his (missionary) work, (so that) the clear water of his exhortation would become turbid;
  • مکر زن بر کار او چیره شدی  ** آب صاف وعظ او تیره شدی