In its misguidedness the foul disbelieving unconscionable carnal soul is (like) a cap for (concealing the diseased condition of) a hundred baldpates.
در ضلالت هست صد کل را کله ** نفس زشت کفرناک پر سفه
For this reason, O poor slave (of God), I am always saying, “Do not remove the collar from the neck of the cur.”
زین سبب میگویم این بندهی فقیر ** سلسله از گردن سگ برمگیر
(Even) if this cur has become a teacher, it is a cur still: be thou one whose carnal soul is abased, for it is evil-natured.
گر معلم گشت این سگ هم سگست ** باش ذلت نفسه کو بدرگست
Thou wilt perform thy bounden duty if thou go round about (one like) Suhayl (Canopus, and absorb his light) as Tá’if hide (absorbs the rays),4860
فرض میآری به جا گر طایفی ** بر سهیلی چون ادیم طایفی
In order that Suhayl may redeem thee from the vices of the skin (corporeality), and that thou mayst fit the foot of the Beloved like a boot.
تا سهیلت وا خرد از شر پوست ** تا شوی چون موزهای همپای دوست
The entire Qur’án is a description of the viciousness of carnal souls: look into the Holy Book! Where is thine eye?
جمله قرآن شرح خبث نفسهاست ** بنگر اندر مصحف آن چشمت کجاست
(’Tis) an account of the carnal soul of people like ‘Ád, which (whenever it) found weapons took the utmost pains to combat the prophets.
ذکر نفس عادیان کالت بیافت ** در قتال انبیا مو میشکافت
From generation to generation, the wickedness of the undisciplined carnal soul was the cause of the world being suddenly set on fire (by Divine wrath).
قرن قرن از شوم نفس بیادب ** ناگهان اندر جهان میزد لهب
Returning to the Story of the prince who was smitten by a (mortal) blow from the heart of the King and departed from this world before he was fully endowed with the other (spiritual) excellences.
رجوع کردن بدان قصه کی شاهزاده بدان طغیان زخم خورد از خاطر شاه پیش از استکمال فضایل دیگر از دنیا برفت
Abridge the tale: after a year (had passed) the indignation of that jealous one (the King of China) brought him (the prince) to the grave.4865
قصه کوته کن که رای نفس کور ** برد او را بعد سالی سوی گور
When the King emerged from the state of self-effacement (mahw) into consciousness, (he found that) his martial eye had wrought that bloodshed.
شاه چون از محو شد سوی وجود ** چشم مریخیش آن خون کرده بود