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  • ’Tis unquestionable that every tongue is a curtain over the heart: when the curtain is moved, the mysteries (hidden behind it) reach us. 4890
  • A little curtain like a slice of roast-meat conceals the forms of a hundred suns.
  • Even if the oral explanation is false, yet the scent (the impression produced by the speaker) makes one acquainted with his veracity or falsehood.
  • The zephyr that comes from a garden is distinct from the simoom (pestilential wind) of the ash-heap.
  • The scents of truth and fool-catching (plausible) falsehood are apparent in the breath, like musk and garlic.
  • If you cannot distinguish a (sincere) friend from a double-hearted person, complain of your own rotten sense of smell. 4895
  • The voices of poltroons and brave courageous men are as distinct as the characteristics of the fox and the lion.
  • Or, (again), the tongue is just like the lid of a cooking-pot: when it is moved you know what sort of food is inside;
  • (But) one whose sense (of smell) is keen can tell by the vapour (issuing from the closed pot) whether it is a pot of sweetmeat or sour sikbáj (stew flavoured with vinegar).
  • When a man taps a new pot with his hand at the time when he is buying it, he detects the cracked one (by its sound).