- Burn this house well (and thoroughly), O furious Lion! The lover's house is better so.
- خوش بسوز این خانه را ای شر مست ** خانهی عاشق چنین اولیترست
- Henceforth I will make this burning my qibla (aim), for I am (like) the candle: I am (made) bright by burning. 620
- بعد ازین این سوز را قبله کنم ** زانک شمعم من بسوزش روشنم
- Abandon sleep to-night, O father: for one night traverse the district of the sleepless.
- خواب را بگذار امشب ای پدر ** یک شبی بر کوی بیخوابان گذر
- Look on these (lovers) who have become frenzied and been killed, like moths, by (their) union (with the Beloved).
- بنگر اینها را که مجنون گشتهاند ** همچو پروانه بوصلت کشتهاند
- Look on this ship of (God's) creatures (and see how it is) sunk in Love: you would say that Love's throat has become a dragon (to swallow it)—
- بنگر این کشتی خلقان غرق عشق ** اژدهایی گشت گویی حلق عشق
- An invisible heart-ravishing dragon: it is a magnet to draw (towards itself) the reason that is (firm) like a mountain.
- اژدهایی ناپدید دلربا ** عقل همچون کوه را او کهربا
- Every druggist whose reason became acquainted with Him (Love) dropped the trays (containing drugs and perfumes) into the water of the river. 625
- عقل هر عطار کاگه شد ازو ** طبلهها را ریخت اندر آب جو
- Go, for you will not emerge from this river (of Love) unto everlasting: in truth there is none to be compared with Him.
- رو کزین جو برنیایی تا ابد ** لم یکن حقا له کفوا احد
- O false pretender, open your eye and see! How long will you say, “I know not that or this”?
- ای مزور چشم بگشای و ببین ** چند گویی میندانم آن و این
- Ascend from the plague of hypocrisy and deprivation: enter the world of Life and Self-subsistence,
- از وبای زرق و محرومی بر آ ** در جهان حی و قیومی در آ