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  • If the two worlds were filled with those whom the Friend has intoxicated, they all would be one (spirit), and that one is not despicable.
  • گر دو عالم پر شود سرمست یار  ** جمله یک باشند و آن یک نیست خوار 
  • This (spirit) is nowise rendered despicable by (the appearance of) multitude. Who is despicable? A body-server (sensualist) of fiery nature.
  • این ز بسیاری نیابد خواریی  ** خوار کی بود تن‌پرستی ناریی 
  • Though the world is filled with the sun's light, how should that splendour of beauteous flame be despicable?
  • گر جهان پر شد ز نور آفتاب  ** کی بود خوار آن تف خوش‌التهاب 
  • But, notwithstanding all this, mount higher, since God's earth is spacious and delightful. 635
  • لیک با این جمله بالاتر خرام  ** چونک ارض الله واسع بود و رام 
  • Although this intoxication is (excellent) like the white falcon, (yet) in the earth of (Divine) Transcendence there is (something) superior to it.
  • گرچه این مستی چو باز اشهبست  ** برتر از وی در زمین قدس هست 
  • Go, become an Isráfíl (Seraphiel) in (your) distinction (pre-eminence)— (become) an inspirer of spirituality and intoxicated and an intoxicator (of others).
  • رو سرافیلی شو اندر امتیاز  ** در دمنده‌ی روح و مست و مست‌ساز 
  • Since the intoxicated man's heart is occupied with thoughts of merriment, it has become his practice (to say repeatedly) “I don't know this” and “I don't know that.”
  • مست را چون دل مزاح اندیشه شد  ** این ندانم و آن ندانم پیشه شد 
  • What is the purpose of (saying) “I don't know this” and “I don't know that”? (It is) in order that you may say who He is whom we know.
  • این ندانم وان ندانم بهر چیست  ** تا بگویی آنک می‌دانیم کیست 
  • In discourse negation is (employed) for the purpose of affirmation: cease from negating and begin to affirm. 640
  • نفی بهر ثبت باشد در سخن  ** نفی بگذار و ز ثبت آغاز کن 
  • Come, leave off (saying) “this is not” and “that is not”: bring forward that One who is Real Being.
  • نیست این و نیست آن هین واگذار  ** آنک آن هستست آن را پیش آر