The ear goes (inclines) to that which is in the head: if there is yellow bile in the head, it becomes black bile.
در سر آنچ هست گوش آنجا رود ** در سر ار صفراست آن سودا شود
Afterwards, these twain (the minstrel and the lover) pass into unconsciousness: there the begetter and the begotten become one.
بعد از آن این دو به بیهوشی روند ** والد و مولود آنجا یک شوند
When joy and sorrow made peace (with each other), our Turk awakened the minstrels.
چونک کردند آشتی شادی و درد ** مطربان را ترک ما بیدار کرد
The minstrel began (to sing) a slumberous verse—“Hand me the cup, O Thou whom I see not.665
مطرب آغازید بیتی خوابناک ** که انلنی الکاس یا من لا اراک
Thou art my face: no wonder that I see it not: extreme proximity is a mystifying veil.
انت وجهی لا عجب ان لا اراه ** غایة القرب حجاب الاشتباه
Thou art my reason: no wonder if I see Thee not, on account of the abundance of the intricate perplexities (of thought).
انت عقلی لا عجب ان لم ارک ** من وفور الالتباس المشتبک
Thou hast come nearer to me than my neck-artery: how long shall I say ‘Oh’? ‘Oh’ is a call to one who is far off.
جت اقرب انت من حبل الورید ** کم اقل یا یا نداء للبعید
Nay, but I dissemble with them when I call (to Him) in the deserts, in order that I may conceal Him who is beside me from those who excite my jealousy.”
بل اغالطهم انادی فی القفار ** کی اکتم من معی مومن اغار
How a blind man entered the house of Mustafá (Mohammed), on whom be peace, and how ‘Á’isha, may God be pleased with her, fled from the presence of the blind man, and how the Prophet, on whom be peace, asked, “Why art thou running away? He cannot see thee”; and the answer given by ‘Á’isha, may God be pleased with her, to the Prophet—God bless and save him!
در آمدن ضریر در خانهی مصطفی علیهالسلام و گریختن عایشه رضی الله عنها از پیش ضریر و گفتن رسول علیهالسلام کی چه میگریزی او ترا نمیبیند و جواب دادن عایشه رضی الله عنها رسول را صلی الله علیه و سلم
A blind man came into the presence of the Prophet, saying, “O thou who suppliest fuel to every oven of dough,670
اندر آمد پیش پیغامبر ضریر ** کای نوابخش تنور هر خمیر
O thou who art the lord of the Water (of Life), while I am suffering from dropsy—help, help, O giver of drink to me!”
ای تو میر آب و من مستسقیم ** مستغاث المستغاث ای ساقیم