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  • ‘Á’isha made a sign with her hands (as though to say), “(If) he does not see (me), yet I see him.”
  • Reason's jealousy of the beauty of the Spirit is (the cause of) this sincere admonition being full of similitudes and allegories.
  • Notwithstanding that this Spirit is so hidden, why is Reason so jealous of Him?
  • O jealous one, from whom art thou hiding Him whose face is concealed by His light? 690
  • This Sun goes with face uncovered: His face is veiled by the excess of His light.
  • From whom art thou hiding Him, O jealous one? The sun (itself) cannot see a trace of Him.
  • (Reason says), “The jealousy in my body is (all) the greater because I desire to hide Him even from myself.
  • On account of the fire of fell jealousy I am at war with my own eyes and ears.”
  • Since thou hast such a (mighty) jealousy, O my soul and heart, close thy mouth and leave off speaking. 695
  • (Reason says), “If I keep silence, I fear that that Sun will rend the veil and (display Himself) from another quarter.”