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  • O Amír, you will not experience the wreck of this ship (of self-existence) till you put into it the last mann.
  • غرق این کشتی نیابی ای امیر  ** تا بننهی اندرو من الاخیر 
  • Know that the last mann is fundamental, for it is (like) the (piercing) star that rises at night: it wrecks the ship of evil suggestion and error.
  • من آخر اصل دان کو طارقست  ** کشتی وسواس و غی را غارقست 
  • The ship of (self-)consciousness, when it is utterly wrecked, becomes (like) the sun in the blue vault (of heaven).
  • آفتاب گنبد ازرق شود  ** کشتی هش چونک مستغرق شود 
  • Inasmuch as you have not died, your agony has been prolonged: be extinguished in the dawn, O candle of Tiráz! 730
  • چون نمردی گشت جان کندن دراز  ** مات شو در صبح ای شمع طراز 
  • Know that the Sun of the world is hidden till our stars have become hidden.
  • تا نگشتند اختران ما نهان  ** دانک پنهانست خورشید جهان 
  • Wield the mace against yourself: shatter egoism to pieces, for the bodily eye is (as) cottonwool in the ear.
  • گرز بر خود زن منی در هم شکن  ** زانک پنبه‌ی گوش آمد چشم تن 
  • You are wielding the mace against yourself, O base man: this egoism is the reflexion of yourself in (the mirror of) my actions.
  • گرز بر خود می‌زنی خود ای دنی  ** عکس تست اندر فعالم این منی 
  • You have seen the reflexion of yourself in (the mirror of) my form and have risen in fury to fight with yourself,
  • عکس خود در صورت من دیده‌ای  ** در قتال خویش بر جوشیده‌ای 
  • Like the lion who went down into the well; (for) he fancied that the reflexion of himself was his enemy.” 735
  • هم‌چو آن شیری که در چه شد فرو  ** عکس خود را خصم خود پنداشت او 
  • Beyond any doubt, negation (not-being) is the opposite of (real) being, (and this is) in order that by means of the (one) opposite you may gain a little knowledge of the (other) opposite.
  • نفی ضد هست باشد بی‌شکی  ** تا ز ضد ضد را بدانی اندکی