- In regard to you, that (object) is iron or marble, (but) to the prophet David it is (soft as) wax and tractable.
- در حق تو آهنست آن و رخام ** پیش داود نبی مومست و رام
- To you the mountain is exceedingly heavy (solid) and inanimate, (but) to David it is a master-musician.
- پیش تو که بس گرانست و جماد ** مطربست او پیش داود اوستاد
- To you the gravel is silent; to Ahmad (Mohammed) it is eloquent and making supplication (to God).
- پیش تو آن سنگریزه ساکتست ** پیش احمد او فصیح و قانتست
- To you the pillar of the mosque is a dead thing; to Ahmad it is (like) a lover who has lost his heart.
- پیش تو استون مسجد مردهایست ** پیش احمد عاشقی دل بردهایست
- To the vulgar all the particles of the world seem dead, but before God they are possessed of knowledge and submissive (to His commands). 860
- جمله اجزای جهان پیش عوام ** مرده و پیش خدا دانا و رام
- As for your saying, ‘There is nobody in this house and palace: why art thou beating this drum?’—
- آنچ گفتی کاندرین خانه و سرا ** نیست کس چون میزنی این طبل را
- (I reply that) this (Moslem) people are giving (large) sums of gold for God's sake, founding hundreds of pious institutions and mosques,
- بهر حق این خلق زرها میدهند ** صد اساس خیر و مسجد مینهند
- And, like intoxicated lovers, gladly risking their property and lives on their way to (perform) the distant Pilgrimage:
- مال و تن در راه حج دوردست ** خوش همیبازند چون عشاق مست
- Do they ever say, ‘The House (Ka‘ba) is empty’? Nay, (they know that) the Lord of the House is the Spirit invisible.
- هیچ میگویند کان خانه تهیست ** بلک صاحبخانه جان مختبیست
- He that is illumined by the Light of God deems the House of the Beloved to be full (of Him). 865
- پر همیبیند سرای دوست را ** آنک از نور الهستش ضیا