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  • Separation, then, from those two steadfast (everlasting) lights will bring you discomfort: guard them (well)!
  • Since He is calling me, I will look to see whether I am worthy to be drawn (to Him) or whether I am ill-favoured. 90
  • If a charming person makes an ugly one (follow) at his heels, ’tis (but) a mockery that he makes of him.
  • How, I wonder, shall I behold my own face, so as to see what complexion I have and whether I am like day or like night?
  • For a long while I was seeking the image of my soul, (but) my image was not displayed (reflected) by any one.
  • “After all,” I said, “what is a mirror for? (The use of it is this), that every one may know what and who he is.”
  • The mirror of iron is (only) for husks (external forms); the mirror that shows the aspect of the heart is of great price. 95
  • The soul's mirror is naught but the face of the friend, the face of that friend who is of yonder country (the spiritual land).
  • I said, “O heart, seek the Universal Mirror, go to the Sea: the business will not succeed (be successfully accomplished) by means of the river.”
  • In this quest thy slave (at last) arrived at thy dwelling-place, (as) the pains (of childbirth) drew Mary to the palm-tree.
  • When thine eye became an eye for my heart, my blind heart went and became drowned in vision.
  • I saw that thou art the Universal Mirror unto everlasting: I saw my own image in thine eye. 100
  • I said, “At last I have found myself: in his eyes I have found the shining Way.”
  • My false instinct said, “Beware! That (image) is (only) thy phantom: distinguish thy essence from thy phantom”;
  • (But) my image gave voice (spoke) from thine eye (and said), “I am thou and thou art I in (perfect) oneness;
  • For how should a phantom find the way into this illumined eye which never ceases from (contemplating) the (Divine) realities?”
  • (Thou saidst), “If you behold your image in the eyes of any other than me, know that ’tis a phantom and reprobate, 105
  • Because he (every one except me) is applying (to his eye) the collyrium of nonexistence (unreality) and is imbibing the wine of Satan's illusion-making.
  • Their eye is the home of phantasy and non-existence: necessarily it sees as existent the things which are non-existent;
  • (But) since my eye saw (got) collyrium from the Glorious (God), it is the home of (real) existence, not the home of phantasy.”
  • So long as a single hair of you is before your eye, in your phantasy a pearl will be as jasper.
  • You will know jasper from pearls (only) at the time when you pass away from (abandon) your phantasy entirely. 110
  • O connoisseur of pearls, listen to a story, that you may distinguish actual seeing from (mere) inference.
  • How in the time of ‘Umar, may God be well-pleased with him, a certain person imagined that what he saw was the new moon.
  • The Fasting-month (Ramadán) came round in ‘Umar's time. Some people ran to the top of a hill,
  • In order to take (the appearance of) the new moon as a good omen, and one of them said, “Look, O ‘Umar, here is the new moon!”