- From eternity He is (the One that) begetteth not, nor is He begotten: He hath neither father nor son nor uncle.
- لم یلد لم یولدست او از قدم ** نه پدر دارد نه فرزند و نه عم
- How will He suffer the disdain of sons? How will He hearken to the disdain of fathers? 1320
- ناز فرزندان کجا خواهد کشید ** ناز بابایان کجا خواهد شنید
- (God saith), ‘I am not begotten: O old man, do not be proud. I am not a begetter: O youth, do not strut.
- نیستم مولود پیراکم بناز ** نیستم والد جوانا کم گراز
- I am not a husband, I am not connected with lust: here, O lady, leave off being disdainful.’
- نیستم شوهر نیم من شهوتی ** ناز را بگذار اینجا ای ستی
- Excepting humility and slavishness and utter helplessness, naught hath consideration in this Presence.”
- جز خضوع و بندگی و اضطرار ** اندرین حضرت ندارد اعتبار
- He (Canaan) said, “Father, for years thou hast said this; (now) thou art saying (it) again: thou art deranged with folly.
- گفت بابا سالها این گفتهای ** باز میگویی بجهل آشفتهای
- How many of these things hast thou said to every one, so that oftentimes thou hast heard a cold (rough) answer! 1325
- چند ازینها گفتهای با هرکسی ** تا جواب سرد بشنودی بسی
- This cold breath (tiresome discourse) of thine did not enter my ear, (nor will it), especially now when I have become wise and strong.”
- این دم سرد تو در گوشم نرفت ** خاصه اکنون که شدم دانا و زفت
- He (Noah) said, “Bábá, what harm will it do if thou listen once to the advice of thy father?”
- گفت بابا چه زیان دارد اگر ** بشنوی یکبار تو پند پدر
- On this wise was he (Noah) speaking kindly counsel, and on that wise was he (Canaan) uttering harsh refusal.
- همچنین میگفت او پند لطیف ** همچنان میگفت او دفع عنیف
- Neither did the father become weary of admonishing Canaan, nor did a single breath (word) enter the ear of that graceless man.
- نه پدر از نصح کنعان سیر شد ** نه دمی در گوش آن ادبیر شد
- They were (engaged) in this talk when a fierce billow dashed upon Canaan's head, and he was shivered to fragments. 1330
- اندرین گفتن بدند و موج تیز ** بر سر کنعان زد وشد ریز ریز
- Noah said, “O long-suffering King, my ass is dead, and Thy Flood hath carried away the load.
- نوح گفت ای پادشاه بردبار ** مر مرا خر مرد و سیلت برد بار
- Many times Thou didst promise me, saying, ‘Thy family shall be saved from the Deluge.’
- وعده کردی مر مرا تو بارها ** که بیابد اهلت از طوفان رها
- I (in) simple (faith) fixed my heart on hope of Thee: why, then, has the Flood swept my garment away from me?”
- دل نهادم بر امیدت من سلیم ** پس چرا بربود سیل از من گلیم
- He (God) said, “He was not of thy family and kinsfolk: didst not thou thyself see (that) thou art white, he blue?”
- گفت او از اهل و خویشانت نبود ** خود ندیدی تو سپیدی او کبود
- When the worm (of decay) has fallen upon thy tooth, it is not a tooth (any more): tear it out, O master. 1335
- چونک دندان تو کرمش در فتاد ** نیست دندان بر کنش ای اوستاد
- In order that the rest of thy body may not be made miserable by it, become quit of it, although it was (once) thine.
- تا که باقی تن نگردد زار ازو ** گرچه بود آن تو شو بیزار ازو
- He (Noah) said, “I am quit of aught other than Thy Essence; he that has died in Thee is not other (than Thou).
- گفت بیزارم ز غیر ذات تو ** غیر نبود آنک او شد مات تو
- Thou knowest how I am to Thee: I am (to Thee) as the orchard to the rain, and twenty times as much—
- تو همی دانی که چونم با تو من ** بیست چندانم که با باران چمن
- Living by Thee, rejoicing because of Thee, a pauper receiving sustenance without any medium or intervention;
- زنده از تو شاد از تو عایلی ** مغتذی بی واسطه و بی حایلی
- Not united, not separated, O Perfection; nay, devoid of quality or description or causation. 1340
- متصل نه منفصل نه ای کمال ** بلک بی چون و چگونه و اعتلال
- We are the fishes, and Thou the Sea of Life: we live by Thy favour, O Thou whose attributes are excellent.
- ماهیانیم و تو دریای حیات ** زندهایم از لطفت ای نیکو صفات
- Thou art not contained in the bosom of any thought, nor art Thou joined with the effect, as a cause.
- تو نگنجی در کنار فکرتی ** نی به معلولی قرین چون علتی
- Before this Flood and after it, Thou hast been the object of my address in (every) colloquy.
- پیش ازین طوفان و بعد این مرا ** تو مخاطب بودهای در ماجرا