From this ambush none escaped without some patience and prudence: to prudence, indeed, patience is the foot and hand.
زین کمین بی صبر و حزمی کس نرست ** حزم را خود صبر آمد پا و دست
Exercise prudence in eating (and drinking), for this (food and drink) is poisonous herbage: to exercise prudence is the strength and light of the prophets.
حزم کن از خورد کین زهرین گیاست ** حزم کردن زور و نور انبیاست
He that jumps at every breath of wind is (like) straw, (but) how should the mountain attach any weight to the wind?215
کاه باشد کو به هر بادی جهد ** کوه کی مر باد را وزنی نهد
On every side a ghoul is calling you—“Hark, O brother, (if) you wish (to find) the way, come (hither).
هر طرف غولی همیخواند ترا ** کای برادر راه خواهی هین بیا
I will show (you) the way, I will be your kind fellow-traveller, I am the guide (for you) on this intricate path.”
ره نمایم همرهت باشم رفیق ** من قلاووزم درین راه دقیق
She (the ghoul) is not the guide, and she does not know the way. O Joseph, do not go towards that wolfish one!
نه قلاوزست و نه ره داند او ** یوسفا کم رو سوی آن گرگخو
Prudence is this, that you be not beguiled by the fat things and sweets and snares of the World;
حزم این باشد که نفریبد ترا ** چرب و نوش و دامهای این سرا
For she hath neither fat nor sweet: she chants spells of magic and breathes (them) into your ear,220
که نه چربش دارد و نه نوش او ** سحر خواند میدمد در گوش او
Saying, “Come in as my guest, O light (of my eyes): the house is yours, and you are mine.”
که بیا مهمان ما ای روشنی ** خانه آن تست و تو آن منی
Prudence is this, that you say (to her), “I have indigestion” or “I am ill, I am a sick man in this charnel-house”;
حزم آن باشد که گویی تخمهام ** یا سقیمم خستهی این دخمهام
Or “My head aches: take away my headache,” or “the son of my maternal uncle has invited me”—
یا سرم دردست درد سر ببر ** یا مرا خواندست آن خالو پسر
For she will give you one (draught of) honey (mixed) with (venomous) stings, so that her honey will plant in you (many) sores.
زانک یک نوشت دهد با نیشها ** که بکارد در تو نوشش ریشها
Whether she give you fifty or sixty (pieces of) gold, she gives you, O fish, (nothing but) flesh on a hook.225
زر اگر پنجاه اگر شصتت دهد ** ماهیا او گوشت در شستت دهد
If she give, when does that deceitful one really give (aught)? The words of the swindler are (like) rotten walnuts.
گر دهد خود کی دهد آن پر حیل ** جوز پوسیدست گفتار دغل
Their rattling robs you of understanding and brain and does not reckon myriads of understandings (even) as one.
ژغژغ آن عقل و مغزت را برد ** صد هزاران عقل را یک نشمرد
(In travelling) your bag and your purse are your friend, (do not care for anything else): if you are Rámín, seek none but your Wísa.
یار تو خرجین تست و کیسهات ** گر تو رامینی مجو جز ویسهات
’Tis your essential self that is your Wísa and beloved, and all these external things are banes to you.
ویسه و معشوق تو هم ذات تست ** وین برونیها همه آفات تست
Prudence is this, that when they (worldlings) invite you, you should not say, “They are enamoured and fond of me.”230
حزم آن باشد که چون دعوت کنند ** تو نگویی مست و خواهان منند
Know that their invitation is (like) the bird's whistle which the fowler gives (while) concealed in (his) place of ambush:
دعوت ایشان صفیر مرغ دان ** که کند صیاد در مکمن نهان
He has put forward a dead bird, (pretending) that this (bird) is making this plaintive noise and cry.
مرغ مرده پیش بنهاده که این ** میکند این بانگ و آواز و حنین
The birds think he is one of their kind: they gather round, and he rends their skins—
مرغ پندارد که جنس اوست او ** جمع آید بر دردشان پوست او
Except, no doubt, the bird on which God has bestowed prudence, so that it may not be fooled by that bait and enticement.
جز مگر مرغی که حزمش داد حق ** تا نگردد گیج آن دانه و ملق
Imprudence is assuredly (attended by) repentance. Hear the following story in explanation of this.235
هست بی حزمی پشیمانی یقین ** بشنو این افسانه را در شرح این
How the countryman deceived the townsman and invited him with humble entreaties and great importunity.
فریفتن روستایی شهری را و بدعوت خواندن بلابه و الحاح بسیار
In the past, O brother, there was a townsman (who was) intimate with a countryman.
ای برادر بود اندر ما مضی ** شهریی با روستایی آشنا
Whenever the countryman came to town, he would pitch his tent in the street of the townsman.
روستایی چون سوی شهر آمدی ** خرگه اندر کوی آن شهری زدی