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  • (So that) when thou chantest those spells over a dead man, he springs up (rejoicing) like a lion that has caught his prey.”
  • چون بخوانی آن فسون بر مرده‌ای ** برجهد چون شیر صید آورده‌ای
  • He said, “Yea, I am he.” Said the other, “Dost not thou make (living) birds out of clay, O beauteous one?” 2580
  • گفت آری آن منم گفتا که تو ** نه ز گل مرغان کنی ای خوب‌رو
  • He said, “Yea.” Said the other, “Then, O pure Spirit, thou doest whatsoever thou wilt: of whom hast thou fear?
  • گفت آری گفت پس ای روح پاک ** هرچه خواهی می‌کنی از کیست باک
  • With such (miraculous) evidence, who is there in the world that would not be one of the slaves (devoted) to thee?”
  • با چنین برهان که باشد در جهان ** که نباشد مر ترا از بندگان
  • Jesus said, “By the holy Essence of God, the Maker of the body and the Creator of the soul in eternity;
  • گفت عیسی که به ذات پاک حق ** مبدع تن خالق جان در سبق
  • By the sanctity of the pure Essence and Attributes of Him, for whose sake the collar of Heaven is rent,
  • حرمت ذات و صفات پاک او ** که بود گردون گریبان‌چاک او
  • (I swear) that the spells and the Most Great Name which I pronounced over the deaf and the blind were good (in their effects). 2585
  • کان فسون و اسم اعظم را که من ** بر کر و بر کور خواندم شد حسن
  • I pronounced (them) over the stony mountain: it was cloven and tore upon itself its mantle down to the navel.
  • بر که سنگین بخواندم شد شکاف ** خرقه را بدرید بر خود تا بناف
  • I pronounced (them) over the corpse: it came to life. I pronounced (them) over nonentity: it became entity.
  • برتن مرده بخواندم گشت حی ** بر سر لاشی بخواندم گشت شی
  • I pronounced them lovingly over the heart of the fool hundreds of thousands of times, and ’twas no cure (for his folly).
  • خواندم آن را بر دل احمق بود ** صد هزاران بار و درمانی نشد
  • He became hard rock and changed not from that disposition; he became sand from which no produce grows.”
  • سنگ خارا گشت و زان خو بر نگشت ** ریگ شد کز وی نروید هیچ کشت
  • Said the other, “What is the reason that the Name of God availed there, (while) it had no advantage (good effect) here? 2590
  • گفت حکمت چیست کنجا اسم حق ** سود کرد اینجا نبود آن را سبق
  • That (physical infirmity) is disease too, and this (folly) is a disease: why did it (the Name of God) not become a cure for this, since it cured that?”
  • آن همان رنجست و این رنجی چرا ** او نشد این را و آن را شد دوا
  • He (Jesus) said, “The disease of folly is (the result of) the wrath of God; (physical) disease and blindness are not (the result of Divine) wrath: they are (a means of) probation.”
  • گفت رنج احمقی قهر خداست ** رنج و کوری نیست قهر آن ابتلاست
  • Probation is a disease that brings (Divine) mercy (in its train); folly is a disease that brings (Divine) rejection.
  • ابتلا رنجیست کان رحم آورد ** احمقی رنجیست کان زخم آورد
  • That which is branded on him (the fool) He (God) hath sealed: no hand can apply a remedy to it.
  • آنچ داغ اوست مهر او کرده است ** چاره‌ای بر وی نیارد برد دست
  • Flee from the foolish, seeing that (even) Jesus fled (from them): how much blood has been shed by companionship with fools! 2595
  • ز احمقان بگریز چون عیسی گریخت ** صحبت احمق بسی خونها که ریخت
  • The air steals away (absorbs) water little by little: so too does the fool steal away religion from you.
  • اندک اندک آب را دزدد هوا ** دین چنین دزدد هم احمق از شما
  • He steals away your heat and gives you cold, like one who puts a stone under your rump.
  • گرمیت را دزدد و سردی دهد ** همچو آن کو زیر کون سنگی نهد
  • The flight of Jesus was not caused by fear, (for) he is safe (from the mischief done by fools): it was for the purpose of teaching (others).
  • آن گریز عیسی نه از بیم بود ** آمنست او آن پی تعلیم بود
  • Though intense frost fill the world from end to end, what harm (would it do) to the radiant sun?
  • زمهریر ار پر کند آفاق را ** چه غم آن خورشید با اشراق را
  • The story of the people of Sabá and their folly, and how the admonition of the prophets produces no effect upon the foolish.
  • قصه‌ی اهل سبا و حماقت ایشان و اثر ناکردن نصیحت انبیا در احمقان
  • I am reminded of the story of the people of Sabá—how their (balmy) zephyr (sabá) was turned into pestilence (wabá) by the words of the foolish. 2600
  • یادم آمد قصه‌ی اهل سبا ** کز دم احمق صباشان شد وبا
  • That (kingdom of) Sabá resembles the great big city (which) you may hear of from children in (their) tales.
  • آن سبا ماند به شهر بس کلان ** در فسانه بشنوی از کودکان
  • The children relate tales, (but) in their tales there is enfolded many a mystery and (moral) lesson.
  • کودکان افسانه‌ها می‌آورند ** درج در افسانه‌شان بس سر و پند
  • (Though) in (their) tales they say (many) ridiculous things, (yet) in all ruined places do thou ever seek the treasure.
  • هزلها گویند در افسانه‌ها ** گنج می‌جو در همه ویرانه‌ها