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  • Since the Sultan of the Judgement desires covetousness from me, dust on the head of contentment henceforth! 2695
  • چون طمع خواهد ز من سلطان دین  ** خاک بر فرق قناعت بعد ازین 
  • He has desired covetousness: how should I be ambitious of glory? He has desired beggary: how should I exercise sovereignty?
  • او مذلت خواست کی عزت تنم  ** او گدایی خواست کی میری کنم 
  • Henceforth beggary and abasement are my (very) soul: in my wallet are twenty (consummate beggars like) ‘Abbás.”
  • بعد ازین کد و مذلت جان من  ** بیست عباس‌اند در انبان من 
  • The Shaykh would go about, with a basket in his hand, (saying, “Give) something, Sir, for God's sake, if He prompt you (to be generous).”
  • شیخ بر می‌گشت زنبیلی به دست  ** شیء لله خواجه توفیقیت هست 
  • His inward experiences were higher than the Footstool and the Throne (of God); his (external) business was (to cry), “Something for God's sake, something for God's sake!”
  • برتر از کرسی و عرش اسرار او  ** شیء لله شیء لله کار او 
  • The prophets, every one, ply this same trade: the people (to whom they are sent) are (really) destitute, (yet) they (the prophets) practise beggary, 2700
  • انبیا هر یک همین فن می‌زنند  ** خلق مفلس کدیه ایشان می‌کنند 
  • Crying, “Lend to God, lend to God,” and persevering contrariously in (the exhortation) “Help God!”
  • اقرضوا الله اقرضوا الله می‌زنند  ** بازگون بر انصروا الله می‌تنند 
  • This Shaykh is going as a suppliant from door to door, (while) in Heaven a hundred doors are opened for the Shaykh,
  • در به در این شیخ می‌آرد نیاز  ** بر فلک صد در برای شیخ باز 
  • Because the beggary that he practised (so) diligently was for the sake of God, not for the sake of his gullet;
  • که آن گدایی که آن به جد می‌کرد او  ** بهر یزدان بود نه از بهر گلو 
  • And even if he had done it for the sake of his gullet, that gullet hath (is endowed with) exorbitance by the Light of God.
  • ور بکردی نیز از بهر گلو  ** آن گلو از نور حق دارد غلو 
  • As regards him, the eating of bread and honey and the drinking of milk is better than the forty days' seclusion and the three days' fast of a hundred dervishes. 2705
  • در حق او خورد نان و شهد و شیر  ** به ز چله وز سه روزه‌ی صد فقیر 
  • He eats Light, do not say he eats bread: he sows anemones (though) in appearance he feeds (on them).
  • نور می‌نوشد مگو نان می‌خورد  ** لاله می‌کارد به صورت می‌چرد 
  • Like the flame that consumes the oil (wax) in a candle, from his eating and drinking there is an increase of light for the company.
  • چون شراری کو خورد روغن ز شمع  ** نور افزاید ز خوردش بهر جمع 
  • God hath said, “Be not immoderate,” in reference to the eating of bread; He hath not said, “Be satisfied,” in reference to the eating of Light.
  • نان‌خوری را گفت حق لاتسرفوا  ** نور خوردن را نگفتست اکتفوا 
  • The former was the gullet subject to probation, while this (saintly) gullet was free from immoderation and secure from exorbitance.
  • آن گلوی ابتلا بد وین گلو  ** فارغ از اسراف و آمن از غلو 
  • (In the case of the Shaykh) ’twas (by) the (Divine) command and order, not (from) greed and cupidity: a spirit like that is not a follower of greed. 2710
  • امر و فرمان بود نه حرص و طمع  ** آن چنان جان حرص را نبود تبع 
  • If the elixir say to the copper, “Give thyself up to me,” cupidity does not prevail (over it).
  • گر بگوید کیمیا مس را بده  ** تو به من خود را طمع نبود فره 
  • God had offered to the Shaykh (all) the treasures of the earth down to the seventh tier;
  • گنجهای خاک تا هفتم طبق  ** عرضه کرده بود پیش شیخ حق 
  • (But) the Shaykh said, “O Creator, I am a lover: if I seek aught but Thee, I am impious.
  • شیخ گفتا خالقا من عاشقم  ** گر بجویم غیر تو من فاسقم 
  • If I should bring into view the Eight Paradises, or if I should serve Thee from fear of Hell,
  • هشت جنت گر در آرم در نظر  ** ور کنم خدمت من از خوف سقر 
  • (Then) I am (only) a believer seeking salvation, for both these (motives) are concerned with the body.” 2715
  • مومنی باشم سلامت‌جوی من  ** زانک این هر دو بود حظ بدن 
  • A hundred bodies are not worth a bean in the eyes of the lover who has received nutriment from God's love;
  • عاشقی کز عشق یزدان خورد قوت  ** صد بدن پیشش نیرزد تره‌توت 
  • And this body which the Shaykh of insight possesses has become something different: do not call it a body.
  • وین بدن که دارد آن شیخ فطن  ** چیز دگر گشت کم خوانش بدن 
  • (To be) in love with God's love and then (desire) a wage! (To be) a trusted Gabriel and then a thief!
  • عاشق عشق خدا وانگاه مزد  ** جبرئیل متمن وانگاه دزد 
  • In the eyes of that wretched lover of Laylá the kingdom of the world was (worthless as) a vegetable.
  • عاشق آن لیلی کور و کبود  ** ملک عالم پیش او یک تره بود