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  • When he (the devil) becomes an angel, he is safe from the sword and has no dread of Solomon. 3185
  • چون فرشته گشته از تیغ آمنیست  ** از سلیمان هیچ او را خوف نیست 
  • His (Solomon's) sway is over the devil, not (over) the angel: pain is on the earth, not above the sky.
  • حکم او بر دیو باشد نه ملک  ** رنج در خاکست نه فوق فلک 
  • Abandon this Necessitarianism, which is very empty (of good), in order that you may know what is the inmost secret of Necessity.
  • ترک کن این جبر را که بس تهیست  ** تا بدانی سر سر جبر چیست 
  • Abandon this Necessitarianism of the idle party, in order that you may gain knowledge of the Necessity that is (dear) as the soul.
  • ترک کن این جبر جمع منبلان  ** تا خبر یابی از آن جبر چو جان 
  • Abandon the state of being loved (by men) and adopt the practice of loving (God), O you who think that you are excellent and pre-eminent.
  • ترک معشوقی کن و کن عاشقی  ** ای گمان برده که خوب و فایقی 
  • O you who really are more silent than Night, how long will you seek a purchaser for your words? 3190
  • ای که در معنی ز شب خامش‌تری  ** گفت خود را چند جویی مشتری 
  • They (your hearers) nod their heads in your presence for (the purpose of assenting to) you: your time is wasted in the passionate desire of (attracting) them.
  • سر بجنبانند پیشت بهر تو  ** رفت در سودای ایشان دهر تو 
  • You say to me, ‘Don't indulge in envy,’ (but) how should any one feel envy in consequence of losing naught?
  • تو مرا گویی حسد اندر مپیچ  ** چه حسد آرد کسی از فوت هیچ 
  • O impudent man, instruction given to the worthless is like drawing a little design on a clod of earth.
  • هست تعلیم خسان ای چشم‌شوخ  ** هم‌چو نقش خرد کردن بر کلوخ 
  • Instruct thyself in love (of God) and (spiritual) insight; for that is like a design (engraved) on a solid mass of stone.
  • خویش را تعلیم کن عشق و نظر  ** که آن بود چون نقش فی جرم الحجر 
  • Your own self is the (only) pupil that is (really) faithful to you: (all) the others perish: where will you seek them, where? 3195
  • نفس تو با تست شاگرد وفا  ** غیر فانی شد کجا جویی کجا 
  • In order that you may make others erudite and eminent, you are making yourself evil-natured and empty (of true knowledge).
  • تا کنی مر غیر را حبر و سنی  ** خویش را بدخو و خالی می‌کنی 
  • (But) when your heart is united with that Eden (of Reality), hark, speak on, and be not afraid of becoming empty.
  • متصل چون شد دلت با آن عدن  ** هین بگو مهراس از خالی شدن 
  • Hence the (Divine) command, ‘Speak!’ came to him (the Prophet), saying, ‘O righteous one, it will not fail: this is an (infinite) ocean.’
  • امر قل زین آمدش کای راستین  ** کم نخواهد شد بگو دریاست این 
  • (God said), ‘Be ye silent,’ that is, ‘do not waste your water in idle talk, for the orchard is dry-lipped (thirsty).’
  • انصتوا یعنی که آبت را بلاغ  ** هین تلف کم کن که لب‌خشکست باغ 
  • This discourse hath no end, O father: leave this discourse and consider the end. 3200
  • این سخن پایان ندارد ای پدر  ** این سخن را ترک کن پایان نگر 
  • I am not jealous that they (your pupils) stand (listening) in your presence: they are (really) mocking you, they are not lovers.
  • غیرتم آید که پیشت بیستند  ** بر تو می‌خندند عاشق نیستند 
  • Behold your (true) lovers behind the veil of the (Divine) Bounty, crying aloud for you continually.
  • عاشقانت در پس پرده‌ی کرم  ** بهر تو نعره‌زنان بین دم بدم 
  • Be the lover of those unseen lovers: do not cherish the lovers who last (no more than) five days;
  • عاشق آن عاشقان غیب باش  ** عاشقان پنج روزه کم تراش 
  • For they have devoured you by means of a (great) deceit and attraction (exerted upon you), and during (many) years you have never seen a grain (of profit) from them.
  • که بخوردندت ز خدعه و جذبه‌ای  ** سالها زیشان ندیدی حبه‌ای 
  • How long will you set up a show on the public road? You are footsore (with travel), and no desire (of yours) has been fulfilled. 3205
  • چند هنگامه نهی بر راه عام  ** گام خستی بر نیامد هیچ کام 
  • When you enjoy good health all of them are your friends and comrades, (but) in the hour of pain and sorrow where is any familiar friend but God?
  • وقت صحت جمله یارند و حریف  ** وقت درد و غم به جز حق کو الیف 
  • In the hour of eye-ache or toothache will any one take your hand (to help) except Him who comes at the cry of distress?
  • وقت درد چشم و دندان هیچ کس  ** دست تو گیرد به جز فریاد رس 
  • Therefore (always) recollect that sickness and pain: take warning (from it), like Ayáz from that sheepskin jacket.
  • پس همان درد و مرض را یاد دار  ** چون ایاز از پوستین کن اعتبار 
  • Your experience of pain is the sheepskin jacket which Ayáz took into his hand.”
  • پوستین آن حالت درد توست  ** که گرفتست آن ایاز آن را به دست 
  • How the Necessitarian infidel again replied to the Sunní who was inviting him to accept Islam and abandon his belief in Necessity, and how the debate was prolonged on both sides; for this difficult and controversial matter cannot be decided except by the real love that has no further interest in it—“and that is God's grace: He bestows it on whom He pleases.”
  • باز جواب گفتن آن کافر جبری آن سنی را کی باسلامش دعوت می‌کرد و به ترک اعتقاد جبرش دعوت می‌کرد و دراز شدن مناظره از طرفین کی ماده‌ی اشکال و جواب را نبرد الا عشق حقیقی کی او را پروای آن نماند و ذلک فضل الله یتیه من یشاء