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  • The murdered man sprang up and told the secrets: he revealed that bloodthirsty gang. 1440
  • کشته بر جست و بگفت اسرار را ** وا نمود آن زمره‏ی خون‏خوار را
  • He said plainly, “I was killed by these people who are now disturbed (with anger) in contending against me.”
  • گفت روشن کاین جماعت کشته‏اند ** کاین زمان در خصمی‏ام آشفته‏اند
  • When this gross body is killed, the essence that knows (spiritual) secrets is brought to life.
  • چون که کشته گردد این جسم گران ** زنده گردد هستی اسرار دان‏
  • Its spirit beholds Paradise and Hell-fire and discerns all the mysteries.
  • جان او بیند بهشت و نار را ** باز داند جمله‏ی اسرار را
  • It reveals the devilish murderers, it reveals the snare of deceit and guile.
  • وا نماید خونیان دیو را ** وا نماید دام خدعه و ریو را
  • To kill the cow (the fleshly soul) is the stipulation of (imposed by) the (Súfí) Path, in order that the spirit may be restored to consciousness by the stroke of her tail. 1445
  • گاو کشتن هست از شرط طریق ** تا شود از زخم دمش جان مفیق‏
  • Kill most quickly the cow, your fleshly soul, so that the hidden spirit may become alive and conscious.
  • گاو نفس خویش را زوتر بکش ** تا شود روح خفی زنده و بهش‏
  • Resumption of the story of Dhu ’l-Nún, may God sanctify his spirit!
  • رجوع به حکایت ذو النون‏
  • When those persons arrived near him, he shouted, “Hey, who are ye? Take care!”
  • چون رسیدند آن نفر نزدیک او ** بانگ بر زد هی کیانید اتقوا
  • They said respectfully, “We are some of thy friends: we have come hither in devotion to ask after thee.
  • با ادب گفتند ما از دوستان ** بهر پرسش آمدیم اینجا به جان‏
  • How art thou, O Sea of manifold intelligence? What aspersion on thy intelligence is this (alleged) madness?
  • چونی ای دریای عقل ذو فنون ** این چه بهتان است بر عقلت جنون‏
  • How should the smoke of the bath-stove attain unto the Sun? How should the ‘Anqá be crushed by the crow? 1450
  • دود گلخن کی رسد در آفتاب ** چون شود عنقا شکسته از غراب‏
  • Do not withhold (the truth) from us: explain this matter; we are lovers (of thee): do not behave to us in this fashion.
  • وامگیر از ما بیان کن این سخن ** ما محبانیم با ما این مکن‏
  • One ought not to drive lovers away or dupe them by mask and false pretence.
  • مر محبان را نشاید دور کرد ** یا به رو پوش و دغل مغرور کرد
  • Communicate the secret, O King: do not hide thy face in the cloud, O Moon!
  • راز را اندر میان آور شها ** رو مکن در ابر پنهانی مها
  • We are loving and true and with wounded (bleeding) hearts: in the two worlds we have fixed our hearts on thee (alone).”
  • ما محب و صادق و دل خسته‏ایم ** در دو عالم دل به تو در بسته‏ایم‏
  • He began (to use) foul words and bad names recklessly: he spoke gibberish like madmen. 1455
  • فحش آغازید و دشنام از گزاف ** گفت او دیوانگانه زی و قاف‏
  • He jumped up and let fly stones and sticks; the whole party fled for fear of blows.
  • بر جهید و سنگ پران کرد و چوب ** جملگی بگریختند از بیم کوب‏
  • He laughed loudly and tossed his head (in scorn). “Look,” said he, “at the vain bluster of these friends!
  • قهقهه خندید و جنبانید سر ** گفت باد ریش این یاران نگر
  • See the friends! Where is the sign of (true) friends? To (true) friends pain is as (dear as) life.”
  • دوستان بین، کو نشان دوستان ** دوستان را رنج باشد همچو جان‏
  • How should a friend turn aside from the pain inflicted by his friend? Pain is the kernel, and friendship is (only) as the husk to it.
  • کی کران گیرد ز رنج دوست دوست ** رنج مغز و دوستی آن را چو پوست‏
  • Has not joy in tribulation and calamity and suffering become the sign of (true) friendship? 1460
  • نه نشان دوستی شد سر خوشی ** در بلا و آفت و محنت کشی‏
  • A friend is like gold, tribulation is like the fire: the pure gold is glad in the heart of the fire.
  • دوست همچون زر بلا چون آتش است ** زر خالص در دل آتش خوش است‏
  • How Luqmán's master tested his sagacity.
  • امتحان کردن خواجه‏ی لقمان زیرکی لقمان را
  • (Was it) not (the case) that (this happened) to Luqmán, who was a pure (unselfish) slave, and day and night was brisk in service?
  • نه که لقمان را که بنده‏ی پاک بود ** روز و شب در بندگی چالاک بود
  • His master used to prefer him (to all others) in the work (of service) and deem him better than his own sons,
  • خواجه‏اش می‏داشتی در کار پیش ** بهترش دیدی ز فرزندان خویش‏
  • Because Luqmán, though he was slave-born, was the master (of himself) and was free from sensual desire.
  • ز انکه لقمان گر چه بنده زاد بود ** خواجه بود و از هوا آزاد بود
  • A certain king said to the Shaykh (spiritual Director) in conversation, “Ask me to bestow some bounty upon thee.” 1465
  • گفت شاهی شیخ را اندر سخن ** چیزی از بخشش ز من درخواست کن‏
  • He answered, “O King, are not you ashamed to say such a thing to me? Come higher!
  • گفت ای شه شرم ناید مر ترا ** که چنین گویی مرا زین برتر آ
  • I have two slaves, and they are vile, and those two are rulers and lords over you.”
  • من دو بنده دارم و ایشان حقیر ** و آن دو بر تو حاکمانند و امیر
  • Said the King, “What are those two? This is a mistake.” He replied, “The one is anger and the other is lust.”
  • گفت شه آن دو چه‏اند این زلت است ** گفت آن یک خشم و دیگر شهوت است‏
  • Regard as a king him that is unconcerned with kingship, him whose light shines forth without moon or sun.
  • شاه آن دان کاو ز شاهی فارغ است ** بی‏مه و خورشید نورش بازغ است‏
  • (Only) that one whose essence is the treasury (of spiritual truths) possesses the treasury: (only) he that is an enemy to (his own) existence possesses (real) existence. 1470
  • مخزن آن دارد که مخزن ذات اوست ** هستی او دارد که با هستی عدوست‏
  • Luqmán's master (was) like a master outwardly; in reality he was a slave, and Luqmán was his master.
  • خواجه‏ی لقمان به ظاهر خواجه‏وش ** در حقیقت بنده، لقمان خواجه‏اش‏
  • In the topsy-turvy world there is many a one of this (kind): a pearl is less than a straw in their sight.
  • در جهان باژگونه زین بسی است ** در نظرشان گوهری کم از خسی است‏
  • Every desert has been named mafáza (place of safety): a name and specious form has ensnared their understanding.
  • مر بیابان را مفازه نام شد ** نام و رنگی عقلشان را دام شد
  • In the case of one class of people, the dress makes (a man) known: (if he is dressed) in a qabá, they say that he belongs to the vulgar.
  • یک گره را خود معرف جامه است ** در قبا گویند کاو از عامه است‏
  • In the case of one class of people (the distinguishing mark is) the hypocritical appearance of asceticism; (but) light is needed, that (any one) may be a spy on asceticism (and detect its true character). 1475
  • یک گره را ظاهر سالوس زهد ** نور باید تا بود جاسوس زهد
  • Light is needed, (a light) purged of cant and noxiousness, that he may know a man without (the evidence of) deed or word,
  • نور باید پاک از تقلید و غول ** تا شناسد مرد را بی‏فعل و قول‏
  • And enter into his heart by way of the intellect, and behold his real state and not be confined to tradition.
  • در رود در قلب او از راه عقل ** نقد او بیند نباشد بند نقل‏
  • The chosen servants of (God) the Knower of things unseen are, in the spiritual world, the spies on hearts.
  • بندگان خاص علام الغیوب ** در جهان جان جواسیس القلوب‏
  • He (such a one) enters within the heart like a fancy: the mystery of the (real) state is unveiled to him.
  • در درون دل در آید چون خیال ** پیش او مکشوف باشد سر حال‏
  • In the body of the sparrow what power and faculty is there that is hidden from the intellect of the falcon? 1480
  • در تن گنجشک چه بود برگ و ساز ** که شود پوشیده آن بر عقل باز
  • He who has become acquainted with the secrets of Hú (God), what to him is the secret (inmost consciousness) of created beings?
  • آن که واقف گشت بر اسرار هو ** سر مخلوقات چه بود پیش او
  • He whose walk is on the spheres, how should it be hard for him to walk on the earth?
  • آن که بر افلاک رفتارش بود ** بر زمین رفتن چه دشوارش بود
  • Since iron became wax in the hand of David, what should wax be in his hand, O man of iniquity?
  • در کف داود کاهن گشت موم ** موم چه بود در کف او ای ظلوم‏
  • Luqmán was a slave in appearance, a master (in reality): servitude was (only) a frontispiece on his outside.
  • بود لقمان بنده شکلی خواجه‏ای ** بندگی بر ظاهرش دیباجه‏ای‏
  • When the master goes to a place where he is not known, he puts (his own) clothes on his slave. 1485
  • چون رود خواجه به جای ناشناس ** در غلام خویش پوشاند لباس‏
  • He (himself) puts on the slave's clothes and makes his slave the leader.
  • او بپوشد جامه‏های آن غلام ** مر غلام خویش را سازد امام‏
  • He goes behind him on the road, as slaves do, lest any one should recognise him (as the master).
  • در پیش چون بندگان در ره شود ** تا نباید زو کسی آگه شود
  • “O slave,” says he, “go you and sit in the place of honour: I will take (your) shoes, like the meanest slave.
  • گوید ای بنده تو رو بر صدر شین ** من بگیرم کفش چون بنده‏ی کهین‏
  • Treat (me) roughly and revile me; do not bestow any respect on me.
  • تو درشتی کن مرا دشنام ده ** مر مرا تو هیچ توقیری منه‏