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  • ’Tis your essential self that is your Wísa and beloved, and all these external things are banes to you.
  • ویسه و معشوق تو هم ذات تست ** وین برونیها همه آفات تست
  • Prudence is this, that when they (worldlings) invite you, you should not say, “They are enamoured and fond of me.” 230
  • حزم آن باشد که چون دعوت کنند ** تو نگویی مست و خواهان منند
  • Know that their invitation is (like) the bird's whistle which the fowler gives (while) concealed in (his) place of ambush:
  • دعوت ایشان صفیر مرغ دان ** که کند صیاد در مکمن نهان
  • He has put forward a dead bird, (pretending) that this (bird) is making this plaintive noise and cry.
  • مرغ مرده پیش بنهاده که این ** می‌کند این بانگ و آواز و حنین
  • The birds think he is one of their kind: they gather round, and he rends their skins—
  • مرغ پندارد که جنس اوست او ** جمع آید بر دردشان پوست او
  • Except, no doubt, the bird on which God has bestowed prudence, so that it may not be fooled by that bait and enticement.
  • جز مگر مرغی که حزمش داد حق ** تا نگردد گیج آن دانه و ملق
  • Imprudence is assuredly (attended by) repentance. Hear the following story in explanation of this. 235
  • هست بی حزمی پشیمانی یقین ** بشنو این افسانه را در شرح این
  • How the countryman deceived the townsman and invited him with humble entreaties and great importunity.
  • فریفتن روستایی شهری را و بدعوت خواندن بلابه و الحاح بسیار
  • In the past, O brother, there was a townsman (who was) intimate with a countryman.
  • ای برادر بود اندر ما مضی ** شهریی با روستایی آشنا
  • Whenever the countryman came to town, he would pitch his tent in the street of the townsman.
  • روستایی چون سوی شهر آمدی ** خرگه اندر کوی آن شهری زدی
  • He would be his guest for two or three months, he would be in his shop and at his table,
  • دو مه و سه ماه مهمانش بدی ** بر دکان او و بر خوانش بدی
  • And the townsman would provide, free of cost, everything that he wanted during that time.
  • هر حوایج را که بودش آن زمان ** راست کردی مرد شهری رایگان
  • (Once) he turned to the townsman and said, “Sire, are you never coming to the country for a holiday? 240
  • رو به شهری کرد و گفت ای خواجه تو ** هیچ می‌نایی سوی ده فرجه‌جو
  • Bring all your children, (I beg you) in God's name, for this is the time of the rose-garden and the springtide;
  • الله الله جمله فرزندان بیار ** کین زمان گلشنست و نوبهار
  • Or come in summer, in the fruit-season, that I may brace my belt to do you service.
  • یا بتابستان بیا وقت ثمر ** تا ببندم خدمتت را من کمر
  • Bring your retinue and your children and kinsfolk, and stay in our village three or four months,
  • خیل و فرزندان و قومت را بیار ** در ده ما باش سه ماه و چهار
  • For in spring the countryside is pleasant; there are sown fields and lovely anemones.”
  • که بهاران خطه‌ی ده خوش بود ** کشت‌زار و لاله‌ی دلکش بود
  • The townsman was (always) putting him off with promises, until eight years had elapsed since the (first) promise (was given). 245
  • وعده دادی شهری او را دفع حال ** تا بر آمد بعد وعده هشت سال
  • Every year he (the countryman) would say, “When will you set out on the journey?—for the month of December is (already) come,”
  • او بهر سالی همی‌گفتی که کی ** عزم خواهی کرد کامد ماه دی
  • And he (the townsman) would make an excuse, saying, “This year we have a guest who has come from such and such a district;
  • او بهانه ساختی کامسال‌مان ** از فلان خطه بیامد میهمان
  • (But) next year I will run (down) to that part (of the country), if I can escape from the pressing affairs (which keep me at home).”
  • سال دیگر گر توانم وا رهید ** از مهمات آن طرف خواهم دوید
  • He (the countryman) said, “My family are (anxiously) expecting your children, O benefactor.”
  • گفت هستند آن عیالم منتظر ** بهر فرزندان تو ای اهل بر
  • Every year he was coming back, like the stork, to reside in the townsman's pavilion, 250
  • باز هر سالی چو لکلک آمدی ** تا مقیم قبه‌ی شهری شدی
  • And every year the Khwája would expend his gold and wealth upon him and open his wings (wide).
  • خواجه هر سالی ز زر و مال خویش ** خرج او کردی گشادی بال خویش
  • On the last occasion, that paladin set dishes (of food) before him at morn and eve for three months.
  • آخرین کرت سه ماه آن پهلوان ** خوان نهادش بامدادان و شبان
  • From shame he again said to the Khwája, “How long (nothing but) promises? How long will you deceive me?”
  • از خجالت باز گفت او خواجه را ** چند وعده چند بفریبی مرا
  • The Khwája said, “My body and soul are eager for the meeting, but every change depends on the decree of Him (God).
  • گفت خواجه جسم و جانم وصل‌جوست ** لیک هر تحویل اندر حکم هوست
  • Man is like a ship or sail: (he must wait) to see when the Driver of the wind shall send the (favourable) breeze.” 255
  • آدمی چون کشتی است و بادبان ** تا کی آرد باد را آن بادران
  • Once more he (the countryman) adjured him, crying, “O generous man, take your children and come and behold the pleasures (of the country).”
  • باز سوگندان بدادش کای کریم ** گیر فرزندان بیا بنگر نعیم
  • He took his hand three times in covenant, saying, “In God's name, come quickly, make the utmost effort!”
  • دست او بگرفت سه کرت بعهد ** کالله الله زو بیا بنمای جهد
  • After ten years—and every year the same sugared entreaties and promises—
  • بعد ده سال و بهر سالی چنین ** لابه‌ها و وعده‌های شکرین
  • The Khwája's children said, “O father, the moon and the clouds and the shadows too have their journeys.
  • کودکان خواجه گفتند ای پدر ** ماه و ابر و سایه هم دارد سفر
  • You have laid obligations on him, you have taken great pains on his account, 260
  • حقها بر وی تو ثابت کرده‌ای ** رنجها در کار او بس برده‌ای
  • And he wishes to repay some part of that obligation when you become his guest.
  • او همی‌خواهد که بعضی حق آن ** وا گزارد چون شوی تو میهمان
  • He gave us many injunctions in secret: ‘Bring him to the country,’ said he, ‘coaxing (him to come).’”
  • بس وصیت کرد ما را او نهان ** که کشیدش سوی ده لابه‌کنان
  • He (the townsman) said, “This is true, but, O Síbawayh, be on thy guard against the malice of him to whom thou hast shown kindness.
  • گفت حقست این ولی ای سیبویه ** اتق من شر من احسنت الیه
  • Love is the seed (that bears fruit at the moment) of the last breath: I fear that it may be corrupted by estrangement.”
  • دوستی تخم دم آخر بود ** ترسم از وحشت که آن فاسد شود
  • There is a friendship like a cutting sword, (destructive) as December in the gardens and cornfields; 265
  • صحبتی باشد چو شمشیر قطوع ** همچو دی در بوستان و در زروع
  • There is a friendship like the season of spring, whence (come) restorations and produce incalculable.
  • صحبتی باشد چو فصل نوبهار ** زو عمارتها و دخل بی‌شمار
  • Prudence is this, that you think evil, so that you may flee and become quit of evil.
  • حزم آن باشد که ظن بد بری ** تا گریزی و شوی از بد بری
  • The Prophet has said, “Prudence is (consists in) thinking evil”: know that for every footstep there is a snare, O fool!
  • حزم س الظن گفتست آن رسول ** هر قدم را دام می‌دان ای فضول
  • The surface of the plateau is level and broad, (but at) every step there is a snare: do not advance boldly.
  • روی صحرا هست هموار و فراخ ** هر قدم دامیست کم ران اوستاخ
  • The mountain-goat runs on, saying, “Where is the snare?” As it speeds onward, the snare lights on its throat. 270
  • آن بز کوهی دود که دام کو ** چون بتازد دامش افتد در گلو
  • O thou who saidst “Where?” look and see! Thou sawest the plain, (but) thou didst not see the ambush.
  • آنک می‌گفتی که کو اینک ببین ** دشت می‌دیدی نمی‌دیدی کمین
  • Without ambush and snare and hunter, O cunning one, how should there be a sheep's tail (laid in a trap) amidst the cornfield?
  • بی کمین و دام و صیاد ای عیار ** دنبه کی باشد میان کشت‌زار
  • They that came along boldly on the earth—see their bones and skulls!
  • آنک گستاخ آمدند اندر زمین ** استخوان و کله‌هاشان را ببین
  • When you go to the graveyard, O you with whom God is pleased, ask their bones concerning that which is past,
  • چون به گورستان روی ای مرتضا ** استخوانشان را بپرس از ما مضی
  • That you may see clearly how those blind intoxicated men went down into the pit of delusion. 275
  • تا بظاهر بینی آن مستان کور ** چون فرو رفتند در چاه غرور
  • If you have eyes, do not walk blindly; and if you have not eyes, take a staff in your hand.
  • چشم اگر داری تو کورانه میا ** ور نداری چشم دست آور عصا
  • When you have not the staff of prudence and judgement, make the (seer's) eye your leader;
  • آن عصای حزم و استدلال را ** چون نداری دید می‌کن پیشوا
  • And if there is no staff of prudence and judgement, do not stand on every road without a guide.
  • ور عصای حزم و استدلال نیست ** بی عصاکش بر سر هر ره مه‌ایست