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  • ای تو نارسته از این فانی رباط ** تو چه دانی محو و سکر و انبساط
  • O thou who hast not escaped from this fleeting caravanseray (the material world), how shouldst thou know (the meaning of) “self-extinction” and (mystical) “intoxication” and “expansion”?
  • ور بدانی نقلت از اب وز جد است ** پیش تو این نامها چون ابجد است‌‌
  • And if thou knowest, ’tis (by rote, like the knowledge) handed down to thee from father and grandfather: to thee these names are like abjad.
  • ابجد و هوز چه فاش است و پدید ** بر همه طفلان و معنی بس بعید
  • How plain and evident to all children are abjad and hawwaz, and (yet) the real meaning is far away (hard to reach).
  • پس سبو برداشت آن مرد عرب ** در سفر شد می‌‌کشیدش روز و شب‌‌
  • Then the Arab man took up the jug and set out to journey, carrying it along (with him) day and night.
  • بر سبو لرزان بد از آفات دهر ** هم کشیدش از بیابان تا به شهر 2730
  • He was trembling for the jug, in fear of Fortune's mischiefs: all the same, he conveyed it from the desert to the city (Baghdád).
  • زن مصلا باز کرده از نیاز ** رب سلم ورد کرده در نماز
  • His wife unrolled the prayer-rug in supplication; she made (the words) Rabbi sallim (Save, O Lord) her litany in prayer,
  • که نگه دار آب ما را از خسان ** یا رب آن گوهر بدان دریا رسان‌‌
  • Crying, “Keep our water safe from scoundrels! O Lord, let that pearl arrive at that sea!
  • گر چه شویم آگه است و پر فن است ** لیک گوهر را هزاران دشمن است‌‌
  • Although my husband is shrewd and artful, yet the pearl has thousands of enemies.
  • خود چه باشد گوهر آب کوثر است ** قطره‌‌ای زین است کاصل گوهر است‌‌
  • Pearl indeed! ’Tis the water of Kawthar: ’tis a drop of this that is the origin of the pearl.”
  • از دعاهای زن و زاری او ** وز غم مرد و گرانباری او 2735
  • Through the prayers and lamentation of the wife, and through the husband's anxiety and his patience under the heavy burden,