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  • خون نپوشد گوهر تیغ مرا ** باد از جا کی برد میغ مرا
  • Blood does not cover the sheen of my sword: how should the wind sweep away my clouds?
  • که نیم کوهم ز حلم و صبر و داد ** کوه را کی در رباید تند باد
  • I am not a straw, I am a mountain of forbearance and patience and justice: how should the fierce wind carry off the mountain?”
  • آن که از بادی رود از جا خسی است ** ز آن که باد ناموافق خود بسی است‌‌ 3795
  • That which is removed from its place by a wind is rubbish, for indeed the contrary winds are many.
  • باد خشم و باد شهوت باد آز ** برد او را که نبود اهل نماز
  • The wind of anger and the wind of lust and the wind of greed swept away him that performed not the (ritual) prayers.
  • کوهم و هستی من بنیاد اوست ** ور شود چون کاه بادم یاد اوست
  • “I am a mountain, and my being is His building; and if I become like a straw, my wind (the wind that moves me) is recollection of Him.
  • جز به باد او نجنبد میل من ** نیست جز عشق احد سر خیل من‌‌
  • My longing is not stirred save by His wind; my captain is naught but love of the One.
  • خشم بر شاهان شه و ما را غلام ** خشم را هم بسته‌‌ام زیر لگام‌‌
  • Anger is king over kings, and to me it is a slave: even anger I have bound under the bridle.
  • تیغ حلمم گردن خشمم زده ست ** خشم حق بر من چو رحمت آمده ست‌‌ 3800
  • The sword of my forbearance hath smitten the neck of my anger; the anger of God hath come on me like mercy.
  • غرق نورم گر چه سقفم شد خراب ** روضه گشتم گر چه هستم بو تراب‌‌
  • I am plunged in light although my roof is ruined; I have become a garden although I am (styled) Bú Turáb (the father of dust).
  • چون در آمد علتی اندر غزا ** تیغ را دیدم نهان کردن سزا
  • Since a motive (other than God) entered (my heart) in the (holy) war, I deemed it right to sheathe my sword,