دل به سختی همچو روی سنگ گشت ** چون شکافد توبه آن را بهر کشت1645
His heart became in hardness as the face of a rock: how should repentance cleave it for sowing?
چون شعیبی کو که تا او را دعا ** بهر کشتن خاک سازد کوه را
Where is one like Shu‘ayb, that by prayer he may make the mountain earth (fit) for sowing?
از نیاز و اعتقاد آن خلیل ** گشت ممکن امر صعب و مستحیل
Through the supplication and (firm) belief of that Friend (Abraham) the thing that was hard and impossible became possible.
یا به دریوزهی مقوقس از رسول ** سنگلاخی مزرعی شد با اصول
Or, (to give another example), through the Muqawqis' begging the Prophet a stony ground became a goodly cornfield.
همچنین بر عکس آن انکار مرد ** مس کند زر را و صلحی را نبرد
So, contrariwise, a man's disbelief turns gold into copper and peace into war.
کهربای مسخ آمد این دغا ** خاک قابل را کند سنگ و حصا1650
This falseness draws after it an evil transformation: it turns ground capable (of tillage) into stones and pebbles.
هر دلی را سجده هم دستور نیست ** مزد رحمت قسم هر مزدور نیست
Nor is it granted to every heart to fall down in prayer: the wages of (Divine) mercy are not the (allotted) portion of every hireling.
هین بپشت آن مکن جرم و گناه ** که کنم توبه در آیم در پناه
Beware! Do not commit crime and sin in reliance on (the thought), “I will repent and come to (take) refuge (with God).”
میبباید تاب و آبی توبه را ** شرط شد برق و سحابی توبه را
For (true) repentance, there must needs be a glow (of inward feeling) and a flood (of tears): (such) lightning and clouds are the condition indispensable to repentance.
آتش و آبی بباید میوه را ** واجب آید ابر و برق این شیوه را
There must needs be fire and water (rain) for the fruit: clouds and lightning are necessary for this accomplishment.