شد خر نفس تو بر میخیش بند ** چند بگریزد ز کار و بار چند
- The ass, your fleshly soul, has gone off; tie it to a peg. How long will it run away from work and burden, how long?
بار صبر و شکر او را بردنی است ** خواه در صد سال و خواهی سی و بیست 730
- It must bear the burden of patience and thanksgiving, whether for a hundred years or for thirty or twenty.
هیچ وازر وزر غیری بر نداشت ** هیچ کس ندرود تا چیزی نکاشت
- None that is laden supported another's load; none reaped until he sowed something.
طمع خام است آن مخور خام ای پسر ** خام خوردن علت آرد در بشر
- ’Tis a raw (absurd) hope; eat not what is raw, O son: eating raw brings illness to men.
کان فلانی یافت گنجی ناگهان ** من همان خواهم نه کار و نه دکان
- (Do not say to yourself), “So-and-so suddenly found a treasure; I would like the same: neither work nor shop (for me)!”
کار بخت است آن و آن هم نادر است ** کسب باید کرد تا تن قادر است
- That (discovery of treasure) is Fortune's doing (a piece of luck), and moreover it is rare: one must earn a living so long as the body is able.
کسب کردن گنج را مانع کی است ** پا مکش از کار آن خود در پی است 735
- How does earning a livelihood prevent the (discovery of) treasure? Do not retire from work: that (treasure), indeed, is (following) behind (the work).
تا نگردی تو گرفتار اگر ** که اگر این کردمی یا آن دگر
- See that you are not made captive by “if,” saying, “If I had done this or the other (thing),”
کز اگر گفتن رسول با وفاق ** منع کرد و گفت آن هست از نفاق
- For the sincere Prophet forbade (people) to say “if,” and said, “That is from hypocrisy”;
کان منافق در اگر گفتن بمرد ** وز اگر گفتن بجز حسرت نبرد
- For the hypocrite died in saying “if,” and from saying “if” he won nothing but remorse.