- The hare lodged the lion in prison. Shame on a lion who was discomfited by a hare!
- شیر را خرگوش در زندان نشاند ** ننگ شیری کاو ز خرگوشی بماند
- He is in such a disgrace, and still—this is a wonder—he would fain be addressed by the title of Fakhr-i Dín. 1350
- در چنان ننگی و آن گه این عجب ** فخر دین خواهد که گویندش لقب
- O thou lion that liest alone at the bottom of this well, thy fleshly soul, like the hare, has shed and drunk thy blood;
- ای تو شیری در تک این چاه فرد ** نفس چون خرگوش خونت ریخت و خورد
- Thy hare-soul is feeding in the desert, (whilst) thou art (lying) at the bottom of this well of “How?” and “Why?”
- نفس خرگوشت به صحرا در چرا ** تو به قعر این چه چون و چرا
- That lion-catcher (the hare) ran towards the beasts, crying, “Rejoice, O my people, since the announcer of joy is come.
- سوی نخجیران دوید آن شیر گیر ** کابشروا یا قوم إذ جاء البشیر
- Glad news! Glad news, O company of merry-makers! That hell-hound has gone back to Hell.
- مژده مژده ای گروه عیشساز ** کان سگ دوزخ به دوزخ رفت باز
- Glad news! Glad news! The enemy of your lives—his teeth have been torn out by the vengeance of his Creator. 1355
- مژده مژده کان عدوی جانها ** کند قهر خالقش دندانها
- He who smote many heads with his claws—him too the broom of Death has swept away like rubbish.”
- آن که از پنجه بسی سرها بکوفت ** همچو خس جاروب مرگش هم بروفت
- How the beasts gathered round the hare and spoke in praise of him.
- جمع شدن نخجیران گرد خرگوش و ثنا گفتن او را
- Then all the wild beasts assembled, joyous and laughing gleefully in rapture and excitement.
- جمع گشتند آن زمان جمله وحوش ** شاد و خندان از طرب در ذوق و جوش
- They formed a ring, he (the hare) in the midst like a candle: they bowed (in homage) and said to him, "Hark!"
- حلقه کردند او چو شمعی در میان ** سجده آوردند و گفتندش که هان