Many a fool in the world has tacked himself on to ‘Alí and the Prophet—and there is many a fool in the world (who will believe him).”2195
خویشتن را بر علی و بر نبی ** بسته است اندر زمانه بس غبی
Whoever is (born) of adultery and (is one) of the adulterous will think this concerning the men of God.
هر که باشد از زنا و زانیان ** این برد ظن در حق ربانیان
Any one whose head is made giddy by (his own) gyrations sees the house turning round like himself.
هر که بر گردد سرش از چرخها ** همچو خود گردنده بیند خانه را
What that vain talker, the gardener, said was (indicative of) his (own) condition; (it was) far from (being applicable to) the descendants of the Prophet.
آن چه گفت آن باغبان بو الفضول ** حال او بد، دور از اولاد رسول
If he had not been the issue of apostates, how should he have spoken thus as regards (the Prophet's) House?
گر نبودی او نتیجه مرتدان ** کی چنین گفتی برای خاندان
He used spells (guileful words), and the jurist hearkened to them. (Then) that insolent bully went after him (the Sharíf).2200
خواند افسونها شنید آن را فقیه ** در پیش رفت آن ستمکار سفیه
He said, “O ass, who invited you into this orchard? Has robbery been left to you as an inheritance by the Prophet?
گفت ای خر اندر این باغت که خواند ** دزدی از پیغمبرت میراث ماند
The lion's cub resembles him (the lion): in what do you resemble the Prophet? Tell (me that)!”
شیر را بچه همیماند بدو ** تو به پیغمبر به چه مانی بگو
The man (the gardener) who had sought refuge (in craft) did to the Sharíf that which a Khárijite would do to the Family of Yá-sín (Mohammed).
با شریف آن کرد مرد ملتجی ** که کند با آل یاسین خارجی
(I marvel) what hatred devils and ghouls like Yazíd and Shimr always have towards the Prophet's Family.
تا چه کین دارند دایم دیو و غول ** چون یزید و شمر با آل رسول