- They constructed (well) its floor and roof and dome, but they desired to disunite the (Moslem) community.
- فرش و سقف و قبهاش آراسته ** لیک تفریق جماعت خواسته
- They came to the Prophet with (guileful) entreaty: they knelt as camels before him, 2830
- نزد پیغمبر به لابه آمدند ** همچو اشتر پیش او زانو زدند
- Saying, “O Messenger of God, wilt thou for kindness' sake give thyself the trouble (to walk) to that mosque,
- کای رسول حق برای محسنی ** سوی آن مسجد قدم رنجه کنی
- To the end that it may be made blessed by thy approach— may thy days flourish until the Resurrection!
- تا مبارک گردد از اقدام تو ** تا قیامت تازه باد ایام تو
- It is a mosque for muddy and cloudy days, a mosque for days of sore distress in times of poverty,
- مسجد روز گل است و روز ابر ** مسجد روز ضرورت وقت فقر
- That a (poor) stranger may get charity and room (to shelter) there, and that this house of service may be frequented,
- تا غریبی یابد آن جا خیر و جا ** تا فراوان گردد این خدمتسرا
- So that the rites of the Religion may be multiplied and abound; because a bitter plight is sweetened (by being shared) with friends. 2835
- تا شعار دین شود بسیار و پر ** ز انکه با یاران شود خوش کار مر
- Honour that place (by thy presence) for a short while: declare us to be sincere, and give a good account of us.
- ساعتی آن جایگه تشریف ده ** تزکیهی ما کن ز ما تعریف ده
- Show favour to the mosque and its founders. Thou art the moon, we are the night: comply with us for a moment,
- مسجد و اصحاب مسجد را نواز ** تو مهی ما شب دمی با ما بساز
- In order that by thy beauty night may be made like day, O thou whose beauty is a soul-illumining sun.”
- تا شود شب از جمالت همچو روز ** ای جمالت آفتاب جان فروز