- Lay your despairs before Him, that ye may escape from irremediable pain.
- ناامیدیها به پیش او نهید ** تا ز درد بیدوا بیرون جهید
- When Shu‘ayb had told him these deep sayings, at that breath of the spirit roses blossomed in his heart.
- چون شعیب این نکتهها با او بگفت ** ز آن دم جان در دل او گل شکفت
- His soul hearkened to the inspiration from Heaven; he said, (however), “If He hath punished me, where is the sign?”
- جان او بشنید وحی آسمان ** گفت اگر بگرفت ما را کو نشان
- He (Shu‘ayb) cried, “O Lord, he rebuts me, he seeks the sign of that punishment.” 3390
- گفت یا رب دفع من میگوید او ** آن گرفتن را نشان میجوید او
- He (God) said, “I am the Coverer (of sins): I will not tell his secrets, (I will give) but one indication for the sake of trying him.
- گفت ستارم نگویم رازهاش ** جز یکی رمز از برای ابتلاش
- One sign of My punishing him is this, that he has (to his credit) pious acts of fasting and orison
- یک نشان آن که میگیرم و را ** آن که طاعت دارد از صوم و دعا
- And ritual prayer and almsgiving et cetera, but he has not one atom of spiritual savour.
- و ز نماز و از زکات و غیر آن ** لیک یک ذره ندارد ذوق جان
- He performs high acts and deeds of devotion, but he has not one atom of (spiritual) relish.
- میکند طاعات و افعال سنی ** لیک یک ذره ندارد چاشنی
- His devotions are good (in form), but the spirit is not good: the walnuts are many, but there is no kernel therein.” 3395
- طاعتش نغز است و معنی نغز نی ** جوزها بسیار و در وی مغز نی
- Spiritual savour is required, in order that devotions may yield fruit: a kernel is required, in order that the berry may produce a tree.
- ذوق باید تا دهد طاعات بر ** مغز باید تا دهد دانه شجر