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  • That splendour of lightning which shone over the spirits, so that Adam gained from that Light (his) knowledge (of God). 910
  • آن سنا برقی که بر ارواح تافت ** تا که آدم معرفت ز آن نور یافت‏
  • The hand of Seth gathered that which grew from Adam: therefore Adam, when he saw that (Light in him), made him his vicar.
  • آن کز آدم رست و دست شیث چید ** پس خلیفه‏ش کرد آدم کان بدید
  • Since Noah had enjoyment of that Jewel, he showered pearls (of Divine wisdom) in the air of the Sea of Soul.
  • نوح از آن گوهر که برخوردار بود ** در هوای بحر جان دربار بود
  • From (possession of) that mighty radiance the spirit of Abraham went fearlessly into the flames of the fire.
  • جان ابراهیم از آن انوار زفت ** بی‏حذر در شعله‏های نار رفت‏
  • When Ismá‘íl (Ishmael) fell into the stream thereof, he laid his head before his (Abraham's) flashing knife.
  • چون که اسماعیل در جویش فتاد ** پیش دشنه‏ی آب دارش سر نهاد
  • The soul of David was heated by its rays: iron became soft in his hand-loom. 915
  • جان داود از شعاعش گرم شد ** آهن اندر دست بافش نرم شد
  • When Solomon was suckled on (the milk of) union with it, the demon became a thrall to his command and obedient.
  • چون سلیمان بد وصالش را رضیع ** دیو گشتش بنده فرمان و مطیع‏
  • When Jacob bowed his head (in submission) to the (Divine) destiny, it (the Light) illumined (gladdened) his eye with the scent of his (lost) son.
  • در قضا یعقوب چون بنهاد سر ** چشم روشن کرد از بوی پسر
  • When the moon-faced Joseph beheld that Sun, he became so wide-awake (wise) in the interpretation of dreams.
  • یوسف مه رو چو دید آن آفتاب ** شد چنان بیدار در تعبیر خواب‏
  • When the rod drank water (was imbued with the influence of the Light) from the hand of Moses, it made one mouthful of Pharaoh's empire.
  • چون عصا از دست موسی آب خورد ** ملکت فرعون را یک لقمه کرد