The unripe (fruits) cling fast to the bough, because during (their) immaturity they are not meet for the palace.
سخت گیرد خامها مر شاخ را ** زانک در خامی نشاید کاخ را
When they have ripened and have become sweet—after that, biting their lips, they take (but) a feeble hold of the boughs.1295
چون بپخت و گشت شیرین لبگزان ** سست گیرد شاخها را بعد از آن
When the mouth has been sweetened by that felicity, the kingdom of the world becomes cold (unpleasing) to Man.
چون از آن اقبال شیرین شد دهان ** سرد شد بر آدمی ملک جهان
To take a tight hold and to attach one's self strongly (to the world) is (a sign of) unripeness: so long as thou art an embryo, thy occupation is blood-drinking.
سختگیری و تعصب خامی است ** تا جنینی کار خونآشامی است
Another thing remains (to be said), but the Holy Spirit will tell thee the tale of it, without me.
چیز دیگر ماند اما گفتنش ** با تو روح القدس گوید بی منش
Nay, thou wilt tell it even to thine own ear—neither I nor another than I (will tell it thee), O thou that art even I—
نه تو گویی هم بگوش خویشتن ** نه من ونه غیرمن ای هم تو من
Just as, when thou fallest asleep, thou goest from the presence of thyself into the presence of thyself:1300
همچو آن وقتی که خواب اندر روی ** تو ز پیش خود به پیش خود شوی
Thou hearest from thyself, and deemest that such or such a one has secretly told thee in the dream that (which thou hast heard).
بشنوی از خویش و پنداری فلان ** با تو اندر خواب گفتست آن نهان
Thou art not a single “thou,” O good comrade; nay, thou art the sky and the deep sea.
تو یکی تو نیستی ای خوش رفیق ** بلک گردونی ودریای عمیق
Thy mighty “Thou,” which is nine hundredfold, is the ocean and the drowning-place of a hundred “thou's.”
آن تو زفتت که آن نهصدتوست ** قلزمست وغرقه گاه صد توست