- To observe humility in (the state of spiritual) independence is to combine two opposites, like “round” and “long.” 1395
- اندر استغنا مراعات نیاز ** جمع ضدینست چون گرد و دراز
- Truly the staff is loved by the blind; the (inwardly) blind man himself is a coffer (full) of the Qur’án.
- خود عصا معشوق عمیان میبود ** کور خود صندوق قرآن میبود
- He (a certain one) said, “In sooth the blind are coffers full of the words of the Qur’án and commemoration (of God) and warning.”
- گفت کوران خود صنادیقند پر ** از حروف مصحف و ذکر و نذر
- Again, a coffer full of the Qur’án is better than he that is (like) an empty coffer in the hand.
- باز صندوقی پر از قرآن به است ** زانک صندوقی بود خالی بدست
- Yet again, the coffer that is empty of (any) load is better than the coffer that is full of mice and snakes.
- باز صندوقی که خالی شد ز بار ** به ز صندوقی که پر موشست و مار
- The sum (of the matter is this): when a man has attained to union, the go between becomes worthless to him. 1400
- حاصل اندر وصل چون افتاد مرد ** گشت دلاله به پیش مرد سرد
- Since you have reached the object of your search, O elegant one, the search for knowledge has now become evil.
- چون به مطلوبت رسیدی ای ملیح ** شد طلب کاری علم اکنون قبیح
- Since you have mounted to the roofs of Heaven, it would be futile to seek a ladder.
- چون شدی بر بامهای آسمان ** سرد باشد جست وجوی نردبان
- After (having attained to) felicity, the way (that leads) to felicity is worthless except for the sake of helping and teaching others.
- جز برای یاری و تعلیم غیر ** سرد باشد راه خیر از بعد خیر
- The shining mirror, which has become clear and perfect— ’twould be folly to apply a burnisher (to it).
- آینهی روشن که شد صاف و ملی ** جهل باشد بر نهادن صیقلی