- At once she set about rending the people of that company one by one, and she had no awe of (doing) it.
- در زمان او یک بیک را زان گروه ** میدرانید و نبودش زان شکوه
- She tossed each one in the air recklessly, so that he dashed on the earth and was cloven asunder. 155
- بر هوا انداخت هر یک را گزاف ** تا همیزد بر زمین میشد شکاف
- O drinker of the people's blood, begone from the way, lest their blood wage war against thee.
- ای خورندهی خون خلق از راه برد ** تا نه آرد خون ایشانت نبرد
- Know for sure that their property is (as) their blood, because property comes into one's hand (is acquired) by strength (of body).
- مال ایشان خون ایشان دان یقین ** زانک مال از زور آید در یمین
- The mother of those young elephants will exact vengeance: (her) retribution will slay him that eats the young elephant.
- مادر آن پیلبچگان کین کشد ** پیل بچهخواره را کیفر کشد
- O eater of bribes, thou eatest the young elephant: from thee too the Master of the elephant will wring the breath.
- پیلبچه میخوری ای پارهخوار ** هم بر آرد خصم پیل از تو دمار
- The smell put to shame the deviser of fraud: the elephant knows the smell of her child. 160
- بوی رسوا کرد مکر اندیش را ** پیل داند بوی طفل خویش را
- He that perceives the smell of God from (distant) Yemen, how should not he perceive the smell of falsehood from me?
- آنک یابد بوی حق را از یمن ** چون نیابد بوی باطل را ز من
- Inasmuch as Mustafá (Mohammed) smelt (this) from far away, how should not he smell the odour from our mouths?
- مصطفی چون برد بوی از راه دور ** چون نیابد از دهان ما بخور
- He does smell it, but he conceals (the fact) from us: the good and bad smells go up to Heaven.
- هم بیابد لیک پوشاند ز ما ** بوی نیک و بد بر آید بر سما