- Every one has been made for some particular work, and the desire for that (work) has been put into his heart.
- هر کسی را بهر کاری ساختند ** میل آن را در دلش انداختند
- How should hand and foot be set in motion without desire? How should sticks and straws go (from their place) without any water or wind?
- دست و پا بی میل جنبان کی شود ** خار وخس بی آب و بادی کی رود
- If thou see (that) thy desire (is) towards Heaven, unfold the wings of empire, like the Humá; 1620
- گر ببینی میل خود سوی سما ** پر دولت بر گشا همچون هما
- But if thou see (that) thy desire (is) towards the earth, keep lamenting, cease not at all from moaning.
- ور ببینی میل خود سوی زمین ** نوحه میکن هیچ منشین از حنین
- The wise, indeed, make lamentations at first; the foolish beat their heads at the last.
- عاقلان خود نوحهها پیشین کنند ** جاهلان آخر بسر بر میزنند
- From the beginning of the affair discern the end (thereof), so that thou mayst not be repenting on the Day of Judgement.
- ز ابتدای کار آخر را ببین ** تا نباشی تو پشیمان یوم دین
- How a goldsmith discerned the end of the affair and spoke in accordance with the end to one who wished to borrow his scales.
- دیدن زرگر عاقبت کار را و سخن بر وفق عاقبت گفتن با مستعیر ترازو
- A certain man came to a goldsmith, saying, “Give me the scales, that I may weigh some gold.”
- آن یکی آمد به پیش زرگری ** که ترازو ده که بر سنجم زری
- The master (goldsmith) said, “Go, I have no sieve.” “Give me the scales,” he replied, “and don't stop to jest like this.” 1625
- گفت خواجه رو مرا غربال نیست ** گفت میزان ده برین تسخر مهایست
- He said, “I have no broom in the shop.” “Enough, enough!” cried the other; “leave these jokes.
- گفت جاروبی ندارم در دکان ** گفت بس بس این مضاحک رابمان
- Give (me) the scales which I am asking for; don't make yourself out to be deaf, don't jump in every direction.”
- من ترازویی که میخواهم بده ** خویشتن را کر مکن هر سو مجه