- That I might behold an ocean in a drop of water, a sun enclosed in a mote.
- تا ببینم قلزمی در قطرهای ** آفتابی درج اندر ذرهای
- When I came on foot to a certain shore, the day had turned late, and ’twas eventide.
- چون رسیدم سوی یک ساحل بگام ** بود بیگه گشته روز و وقت شام
- The apparition of what seemed like seven candles in the direction of the shore.
- نمودن مثال هفت شمع سوی ساحل
- Of a sudden I beheld from afar seven candles and hastened along the shore towards them. 1985
- هفت شمع از دور دیدم ناگهان ** اندر آن ساحل شتابیدم بدان
- The light of the flame of each candle thereof ascended beauteously to the loft of the sky.
- نور شعلهی هر یکی شمعی از آن ** بر شده خوش تا عنان آسمان
- I became amazed, (so that) even amazement (itself) became amazed: the waves of bewilderment passed over the head of my understanding.
- خیره گشتم خیرگی هم خیره گشت ** موج حیرت عقل را از سر گذشت
- (I thought), ‘What kind of candles are these (that) He hath lighted, so that the eyes of His creatures are screened from them?’
- این چگونه شمعها افروختست ** کین دو دیدهی خلق ازینها دوختست
- The people had gone to seek a lamp in the presence of that (sevenfold) candle which was surpassing the moon (in splendour).
- خلق جویان چراغی گشته بود ** پیش آن شمعی که بر مه میفزود
- Wonderful! There was a bandage over their eyes: they were bound by (the Divine destiny implied in the text) He guideth aright those whom He will. 1990
- چشمبندی بد عجب بر دیدهها ** بندشان میکرد یهدی من یشا
- How the seven candles became what seemed like one candle.
- شدن آن هفت شمع بر مثال یک شمع
- Then I saw the seven (candles) become one, its light cleaving the bosom (rim) of the sky.
- باز میدیدم که میشد هفت یک ** میشکافد نور او جیب فلک
- Then again that one became seven once more: my intoxication and bewilderment waxed mighty.
- باز آن یک بار دیگر هفت شد ** مستی و حیرانی من زفت شد