- At that very hour my spirit was freed from hours (of Time); (I say ‘freed’) because hours make the young old.”
- هم در آن ساعت ز ساعت رست جان ** زانک ساعت پیر گرداند جوان
- All changes have arisen from the hours: he that is freed from the hours is freed from change.
- جمله تلوینها ز ساعت خاستست ** رست از تلوین که از ساعت برست
- When for an hour you escape from the hours, relation abides not: you become familiar with that which is without relation. 2075
- چون ز ساعت ساعتی بیرون شوی ** چون نماند محرم بیچون شوی
- The hours are not acquainted with hourlessness (timelessness), because for him (who is conscious of time) there is no way thither except bewilderment.
- ساعت از بیساعتی آگاه نیست ** زانکش آن سو جز تحیر راه نیست
- In this world of search and seeking every set of people have been tied in the stable peculiar to them,
- هر نفر را بر طویله خاص او ** بستهاند اندر جهان جست و جو
- And over each stable a trainer has been appointed; save by (his) permission no recalcitrant comes (into another place).
- منتصب بر هر طویله رایضی ** جز بدستوری نیاید رافضی
- If, from vain desire, he should break away from the stable and intrude into the stable of others,
- از هوس گر از طویله بسکلد ** در طویله دیگران سر در کند
- At once the nimble and goodly stablemen seize the corner of his halter and drag (him back). 2080
- در زمان آخرجیان چست خوش ** گوشهی افسار او گیرند و کش
- O cunning one, if you behold not your keepers, behold your choice (and perceive that it is) involuntary.
- حافظان را گر نبینی ای عیار ** اختیارت را ببین بی اختیار
- You are making a choice, and your hands and feet are loosed: why (then) are you imprisoned, why?
- اختیاری میکنی و دست و پا ** بر گشادستت چرا حسبی چرا