The pebble of a bird that flies aloft lays low the elephant, riddled with holes (wounds).
پیل را سوراخ سوراخ افکند ** سنگ مرغی کو به بالا پر زند
(God said), “Inflict (a blow with) the tail of the killed cow upon the murdered man, in order that at the same moment he may come to life (again) in the winding-sheet,
دم گاو کشته بر مقتول زن ** تا شود زنده همان دم در کفن
(And that) he whose throat was cut may spring up from his place and seek (vengeance for) his blood from the shedder of his blood
حلقببریده جهد از جای خویش ** خون خود جوید ز خونپالای خویش
In like manner, from the beginning of the Qur’án to the end, ‘tis (wholly concerned with) the abandonment of (secondary) causes and means. And (now) farewell (to this subject).2525
همچنین ز آغاز قرآن تا تمام ** رفض اسبابست و علت والسلام
The explanation (of the mystery) thereof is not (given) by the meddlesome intellect: do service (to God), in order that it may become clear to you.
کشف این نه از عقل کارافزا شود ** بندگی کن تا ترا پیداشود
The philosopher is in bondage to things perceived by the intellect; (but) the ‘pure (saint) is he that rides as a prince on the Intellect of intellect
بند معقولات آمد فلسفی ** شهسوار عقل عقل آمد صفی
The Intellect of intellect is your kernel, (while) your intellect is (only) the husk: the belly of animals is ever seeking husks.
He that seeks the kernel has a hundred loathings for the husk: to the goodly (saints) the kernel (alone) is lawful, lawful.
مغزجوی از پوست دارد صد ملال ** مغز نغزان را حلال آمد حلال
When the intellect, (which is) the husk, offers a hundred evidences, how should the Universal Intellect take a step with out having (intuitive) certainty?2530
چونک قشر عقل صد برهان دهد ** عقل کل کی گام بی ایقان نهد
The intellect makes books entirely black (with writing); the Intellect of intellect keeps the horizons (the whole universe) filled (with light) from the Moon (of Reality).
عقل دفترها کند یکسر سیاه ** عقل عقل آفاق دارد پر ز ماه