The place where (the means whereby) the noble man worships is your treating him with kindness; the place where (the means whereby) the vile man worships is your making him sick (your maltreating him).
معبد مرد کریم اکرمته ** معبد مرد لیم اسقمته
Smite the vile, that they may bow their heads; give to the noble, that they may yield (good) fruit.
مر لیمان را بزن تا سر نهند ** مر کریمان را بده تا بر دهند
Necessarily God hath created a mosque for each of the twain —Hell for those, and increase (of bounty) for these.2995
لاجرم حق هر دو مسجد آفرید ** دوزخ آنها را و اینها را مزید
Moses built the Báb-i Saghír (the Small Gate) at Jerusalem, in order that the people tormented (by evil passions) might lower their heads,
ساخت موسی قدس در باب صغیر ** تا فرود آرند سر قوم زحیر
Because they were insolent and arrogant. Hell is (like) that Báb-i Saghír and (place of) humiliation.
زآنک جباران بدند و سرفراز ** دوزخ آن باب صغیرست و نیاز
Explaining how God most High has made the bodily form of kings a means of subduing the insolent (sinners) who are not subject to God, just as Moses, on whom be peace, built the Báb-i Saghír in the wall of Jerusalem in order that the insolent (and wicked) men among the Israelites might bow low when they entered in, (according to the text), “Enter the gate, prostrating yourselves, and say ‘hittatun.’”
بیان آنک حق تعالی صورت ملوک را سبب مسخر کردن جباران کی مسخر حق نباشند ساخته است چنانک موسی علیه السلام باب صغیر ساخت بر ربض قدس جهت رکوع جباران بنی اسرائیل وقت در آمدن کی ادخلوا الباب سجدا و قولوا حطة
Likewise God hath built a Báb-i Saghír from the flesh and bones of kings. Take heed!
آنچنانک حق ز گوشت و استخوان ** از شهان باب صغیری ساخت هان
The people of this world make prostration before them, since they are opposed to prostration before the Divine Majesty.
اهل دنیا سجدهی ایشان کنند ** چونک سجدهی کبریا را دشمنند
He (God) hath made a little dunghill their mihráb (place of worship): the name of that mihráb is “prince” and “paladin.”3000
ساخت سرگیندانکی محرابشان ** نام آن محراب میر و پهلوان
Ye (worldlings) are not fit for this holy Presence: holy men are (like) the sugarcane; ye are (like) the empty reed.
لایق این حضرت پاکی نهاید ** نیشکر پاکان شما خالینیید
These vile wretches grovel before those curs; (but) it is a disgrace to the lion that they should be complaisant to him.
آن سگان را این خسان خاضع شوند ** شیر را عارست کو را بگروند