In this wise twenty children (of hers) went into the grave: a fire (of destruction) fell swiftly upon their lives,
بیست فرزند اینچنین در گور رفت ** آتشی در جانشان افتاد تفت
Till, one night, there was shown to her (the vision of) a garden everlasting, verdant, delectable, and ungrudged.
تا شبی بنمود او را جنتی ** باقیی سبزی خوشی بی ضنتی
I have called the Unconditioned Bounty a garden, since it is the source of (all) bounties and the assembly of (all) gardens;3405
باغ گفتم نعمت بیکیف را ** کاصل نعمتهاست و مجمع باغها
Otherwise, (it is that which) no eye hath beheld: what place is there for (how is it proper to speak of) a garden? (Yet the term “garden” may be applied to it): God hath called the Light of the Unseen “a lamp.”
ورنه لا عین رات چه جای باغ ** گفت نور غیب را یزدان چراغ
’Tis not a comparison, ’tis a parable thereof, (which is used) in order that he who is bewildered may get a scent (of the reality).
مثل نبود آن مثال آن بود ** تا برد بوی آنک او حیران بود
In short, the woman saw that (Bounty) and became intoxicated: at that revelation the weak (creature) fell into an ecstasy.
حاصل آن زن دید آن را مست شد ** زان تجلی آن ضعیف از دست شد
She saw her name written on a palace: she who was of goodly belief knew that it (the palace) belonged to her.
دید در قصری نبشته نام خویش ** آن خود دانستش آن محبوبکیش
After that, they said (to her), “This Bounty is for him who has risen up with constant sincerity in self-devotion.3410
بعد از آن گفتند کین نعمت وراست ** کو بجان بازی بجز صادق نخاست
Thou must needs have done much service (to God), in order that thou might’st partake of this repast;
خدمت بسیار میبایست کرد ** مر ترا تا بر خوری زین چاشتخورد
(Hence), as thou wert remiss in taking refuge (with God), God gave thee those afflictions instead.”
چون تو کاهل بودی اندر التجا ** آن مصیبتها عوض دادت خدا