- That is, “I fear God: I have no help from Him. Get ye gone! Verily, I see what ye see not.”
- ای اخاف الله ما لی منه عون ** اذهبوا انی اری ما لاترون
- Hárith said, “Hey, O thou that hast the form of Suráqa, why wert not thou saying such-like words yesterday?”
- گفت حارث ای سراقه شکل هین ** دی چرا تو مینگفتی اینچنین
- He replied, “At this moment I see destruction (before me).” He (Hárith) said, “Thou seest the most puny of the Arabs.
- گفت این دم من همیبینم حرب ** گفت میبینی جعاشیش عرب
- Thou art seeing naught but this; but, O thou disgrace, that was the time of talk, and this is the time of battle.
- مینبینی غیر این لیک ای تو ننگ ** آن زمان لاف بود این وقت جنگ
- Yesterday thou wert saying, ‘I pledge myself that victory and Divine aid will always be yours.’ 4045
- دی همیگفتی که پایندان شدم ** که بودتان فتح و نصرت دمبدم
- Yesterday thou wert the surety for the army, O accursed one, and now thou art cowardly, good-for-nothing, and vile,
- دی زعیم الجیش بودی ای لعین ** وین زمان نامرد و ناچیز و مهین
- So that (after) we swallowed those (deceitful) words of thine and came (to battle), thou hast gone to the bath-stove and we have become the fuel.”
- تا بخوردیم آن دم تو و آمدیم ** تو بتون رفتی و ما هیزم شدیم
- When Hárith said this to Suráqa, that accursed one was enraged at his reproaches.
- چونک حارث با سراقه گفت این ** از عتابش خشمگین شد آن لعین
- He angrily withdrew his hand from his (Hárith's) hand, since his heart was pained by his words.
- دست خود خشمین ز دست او کشید ** چون ز گفت اوش درد دل رسید
- Satan smote his (Hárith's) breast and fled: by means of this plot he shed the blood of those wretched men. 4050
- سینهاش را کوفت شیطان و گریخت ** خون آن بیچارگان زین مکر ریخت