- You have such an enemy as this in your inward part: he is the preventer of the intellect, and the adversary of the spirit and of religion. 4055
- دشمنی داری چنین در سر خویش ** مانع عقلست و خصم جان و کیش
- At one moment he dashes forward like the Libyan lizard; then (again) in flight he darts away into a hole.
- یکنفس حمله کند چون سوسمار ** پس بسوراخی گریزد در فرار
- Just now he has (many) holes in the (human) heart, and from every hole he is putting out his head.
- در دل او سوراخها دارد کنون ** سر ز هر سوراخ میآرد برون
- The name that denotes the Devil's becoming hidden from (men's) souls and going into that hole is khunús (slinking back),
- نام پنهان گشتن دیو از نفوس ** واندر آن سوراخ رفتن شد خنوس
- For his khunús is like the khunús of the hedgehog: like the head of the hedgehog, he pops in and out;
- که خنوسش چون خنوس قنفذست ** چون سر قنفذ ورا آمد شذست
- For God hath called the Devil Khannás (the slinker), because he resembles the head of the little hedgehog. 4060
- که خدا آن دیو را خناس خواند ** کو سر آن خارپشتک را بماند
- The head of the hedgehog is continually being hidden because of its fear of the cruel hunter,
- می نهان گردد سر آن خارپشت ** دمبدم از بیم صیاد درشت
- Until, when it has found an opportunity, it puts out its head: by such a stratagem the snake becomes its prey.
- تا چو فرصت یافت سر آرد برون ** زین چنین مکری شود مارش زبون
- If the fleshly soul had not waylaid you from within, how would the brigands have any power to lay a hand upon you?
- گرنه نفس از اندرون راهت زدی ** رهزنان را بر تو دستی کی بدی
- On account of the exigent myrmidon, who is Lust, the heart is captive to greed and cupidity and bane.
- زان عوان مقتضی که شهوتست ** دل اسیر حرص و آز و آفتست