- On account of the exigent myrmidon, who is Lust, the heart is captive to greed and cupidity and bane.
- زان عوان مقتضی که شهوتست ** دل اسیر حرص و آز و آفتست
- On account of that inward myrmidon you have become thievish and depraved, so that the way is (open) for the (external) myrmidons to coerce you. 4065
- زان عوان سر شدی دزد و تباه ** تا عوانان را به قهر تست راه
- Hearken to this good counsel in the Traditions (of the Prophet)—“Your worst enemy is between your two sides.”
- در خبر بشنو تو این پند نکو ** بیم جنبیکم لکم اعدی عدو
- Do not listen to the pompous talk of this enemy, (but) flee, for she is like Iblís in obstinately wrangling and quarrelling.
- طمطراق این عدو مشنو گریز ** کو چو ابلیسست در لج و ستیز
- For the sake of this world and for contention's sake she has made the everlasting torment (seem) easy (of small account) to you.
- بر تو او از بهر دنیا و نبرد ** آن عذاب سرمدی را سهل کرد
- What wonder, if she makes death (seem) easy? By her magic she does a hundred times as much (as this).
- چه عجب گر مرگ را آسان کند ** او ز سحر خویش صد چندان کند
- Magic makes a straw a mountain by artifice; (or) again, it weaves a mountain like a straw. 4070
- سحر کاهی را به صنعت که کند ** باز کوهی را چو کاهی میتند
- It makes ugly things beautiful by means of sleight; it makes beautiful things ugly by means of (false) opinion.
- زشتها را نغز گرداند به فن ** نغزها را زشت گرداند به ظن
- The work of magic is this, that it breathes (incantations) and at every breath (moment) transforms realities.
- کار سحر اینست کو دم میزند ** هر نفس قلب حقایق میکند
- At one time it shows a man in the guise of an ass, (at another time) it makes an ass (look like) a man and a notable.
- آدمی را خر نماید ساعتی ** آدمی سازد خری را وآیتی