- I have ever seen you (fallen) headlong, ere I grew from the water and the clay. 4545
- من شما را سرنگون میدیدهام ** پیش از آن کز آب و گل بالیدهام
- I did not see (anything) new, that I should rejoice thereat: I used to see this (same thing) during your former prosperity.
- نو ندیدم تا کنم شادی بدان ** این همیدیدم در آن اقبالتان
- Bound in (the chains of) invisible Wrath—and then what (a fearful) Wrath!— ye were eating sugar wherein poison was contained.
- بستهی قهر خفی وانگه چه قهر ** قند میخوردید و در وی درج زهر
- If thy enemy delight in eating such a poisonous sugar, what envy of him would come to thee?
- این چنین قندی پر از زهر ار عدو ** خوش بنوشد چت حسد آید برو
- Ye were eating that poison with glee, (while) Death had secretly laid hold of both your ears.
- با نشاط آن زهر میکردید نوش ** مرگتان خفیه گرفته هر دو گوش
- I did not make war for the sake of gaining victory and conquering the world, 4550
- من نمیکردم غزا از بهر آن ** تا ظفر یابم فرو گیرم جهان
- For this world is a carcase and carrion and vile: how should I be covetous of such carrion as this?
- کین جهان جیفهست و مردار و رخیص ** بر چنین مردار چون باشم حریص
- I am not a dog that I should tear off the top-knot of the dead; I am (like) Jesus: I come to make him (the dead) living.
- سگ نیم تا پرچم مرده کنم ** عیسیام آیم که تا زندهش کنم
- I was cleaving the battle-ranks for the purpose that I might deliver you from destruction.
- زان همیکردم صفوف جنگ چاک ** تا رهانم مر شما را از هلاک
- I do not cut men's throats in order that power and glory and followers may be mine,
- زان نمیبرم گلوهای بشر ** تا مرا باشد کر و فر و حشر