- (Them that) have lost all hope of both worlds and have sown thorns without end.
- ناامید از هر دو عالم گشتهاند ** خارهای بینهایت کشتهاند
- Therefore they (Hárút and Márút), because of their feelings of intoxication, said, “Alas, we would rain upon the earth, like clouds;
- پس ز مستیها بگفتند ای دریغ ** بر زمین باران بدادیمی چو میغ
- We would spread in this place of injustice (a carpet of) justice and equity and devotions and faithfulness.”
- گستریدیمی درین بیداد جا ** عدل و انصاف و عبادات و وفا
- This they said, and the Divine decree was saying (to them), “Stop! Before your feet there is many an unseen pitfall.” 830
- این بگفتند و قضا میگفت بیست ** پیش پاتان دام ناپیدا بسیست
- Beware, do not run boldly into the desert of woe! Beware, do not push on blindly into the Karbalá (of tribulation),
- هین مدو گستاخ در دشت بلا ** هین مران کورانه اندر کربلا
- For because of the hair and bones of the perished the travellers' feet find no way.
- که ز موی و استخوان هالکان ** مینیابد راه پای سالکان
- The whole way is (covered with) bones and hair and sinews: many is the thing that the sword of Vengeance hath made nothing.
- جملهی راه استخوان و موی و پی ** بس که تیغ قهر لاشی کرد شی
- God hath said that (His) servants (who are) attended by (His) help walk on the earth quietly and meekly.
- گفت حق که بندگان جفت عون ** بر زمین آهسته میرانند و هون
- How should a bare-footed man go into the thorn-thicket save with halting and reflection and cautiously? 835
- پا برهنه چون رود در خارزار ** جز بوقفه و فکرت و پرهیزگار
- The Decree was saying this (to them), but their ears were closed in the (muffling) veil of their hotheadedness.
- این قضا میگفت لیکن گوششان ** بسته بود اندر حجاب جوششان