- (When) the picture (creature) struggles hand to hand with the Painter (Creator), it (only) tears out its own moustaches and beard.
- نقش با نقاش پنجه میزند ** سبلتان و ریش خود بر میکند
- How Pharaoh summoned the women who had new-born children to the maydán, (doing this) also for the sake of his plot (against Moses).
- خواندن فرعون زنان نوزاده را سوی میدان هم جهت مکر
- After nine months the King brought out his throne to the maydán and made a strict proclamation.
- بعد نه مه شه برون آورد تخت ** سوی میدان و منادی کرد سخت
- “O women, go with your babes to the maydán; go forth, all ye of Israel.
- کای زنان با طفلکان میدان روید ** جمله اسرائیلیان بیرون شوید
- Just as last year robes of honour were bestowed on the men, and every one of them bore away gold, 940
- آنچنانک پار مردان را رسید ** خلعت و هر کس ازیشان زر کشید
- Hark, O women, this year it is your fortune, so that each one (of you) may obtain the thing she desires.
- هین زنان امسال اقبال شماست ** تا بیابد هر یکی چیزی که خواست
- He will give the women robes of honour and donations; on the children too he will put mitres of gold.
- مر زنان را خلعت و صلت دهد ** کودکان را هم کلاه زر نهد
- Take heed! Every one of you that has borne a child during this month shall receive treasures from the mighty King.”
- هر که او این ماه زاییدست هین ** گنجها گیرید از شاه مکین
- The women went forth with their babes: they came joyfully to the King's tent.
- آن زنان با طفلکان بیرون شدند ** شادمان تا خیمهی شه آمدند
- Every woman that had newly given birth went forth from the city to the maydán, unsuspicious of guile and vengeance. 945
- هر زن نوزاده بیرون شد ز شهر ** سوی میدان غافل از دستان و قهر
- When all the women were gathered around him, they (the King's officers) took away from the mothers whatever was male,
- چون زنان جمله بدو گرد آمدند ** هرچه بود آن نر ز مادر بستدند